Responsible Business Practice

Society has increasingly high expectations for ethical behavior from global healthcare companies – expectations that very often go beyond what is legally required. We are taking steps to ensure our standards align with these expectations.

Our people & communities

Our strengths come from the knowledge and skills of our associates that we constantly upgrade and develop. We strive for the well-being of our employees and the strengthening of an unbossed culture. Through voluntary work and the philanthropic activities of our associates, we are also actively involved in the life of local communities. More

Environmental sustainability

The active environmental policy is implemented through a number of activities to protect the environment. Business decisions are made in consideration of direct and indirect environmental impacts. More


We are committed to transparent reporting of sustainability indicators of our business. The annual Sustainability report offers a comprehensive and comparable overview of various indicators and trends. More

Ethical business

We can be proud that at Lek, where we have high standards of integrity in place, we are way ahead of some other companies in this sector.We already stand out, but we still have a lot of work to do. More

Healthcare Professional Payment Transparency

Lek can provide external funding to legitimate organizations that support its mission to improve access to medicines, access to health information, and to build healthcare capacity. More

Codes, policies and guidelines

Our policies and guidelines are a key element of our corporate responsibility. They determine how we want to do business, what we expect from ourselves and our business partners around the world. More

Our business practice is based on providing efficient, high-quality and safe pharmaceutical products, ethical management of the company, reducing our impact on the natural environment and a responsible and ethical attitude towards employees. We achieve all this through responsible business, with an emphasis on integrity, transparency and environmental sustainability. 

In line with the highest standards of ethical business

We were one of the first companies in Slovenia to accede to the Slovenian Corporate Integrity Guidelines.

We are the ambassador of Corporate Integrity as we consider it of essential importance for conducting responsible business practice and achieving sustainable development.

The principles of Code of Ethics guide us in good business practices, ethical conduct and legal compliance.

Healthcare Professional Payment Transparency

Since June 2006, we have published all value transfers to healthcare professionals and organizations in all European countries and in relation to all products.

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Mutual and long-term relationships with stakeholders

We recognize the interests of our stakeholders and are building long-term relationships using different kinds of collaboration. Listening and seeking answers to questions are the basic principles of dialog and inclusion.

Our key stakeholder groups are our patients, our healthcare partners, our associates, local communities and regulators.

External Funding

Lek can provide external funding or other support to legitimate organizations that support its mission to improve access to medicines, access to health information, and to build healthcare capacity.

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At the heart of the business strategy 

Corporate responsibility is endorsed and ingrained at the highest level in our company. It is the integral part of our business strategy. We pursue it with all our business activities, functions, and our stakeholders.

Long term and annual goals have been set regarding all corporate responsibility aspects and we are taking measures for their implementation.

Sound and sustainable approach to environmental impact

Responsible business is directly related to responsibility for the environment, which is one of the priority interests of our employees and local communities. We strive to pursue good environmental practice at all stages of our work processes and the life cycle of our products. We implement an active environmental policy through a number of activities for the protection of the environment, with which we often exceed legal requirements. When making business decisions, we take into account direct and indirect environmental impacts. We use natural resources wisely and increase the efficiency of their consumption.


Strict compliance with pharmacopoeia and other requirements 

The development and manufacture of medicinal products strictly comply with Pharmacopoeia requirements, WHO and OECD standards; requirements of the FDA and the Public Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia (JAZMP), and the Good Laboratory Practice recommendations.

The development of medicinal products, APIs and manufacturing procedures is based on precautionary measures such as progressivity, inclusion of independent scientists, as well as open and transparent consideration of strengths and weaknesses.