First TechBEAT opens the door to the world of pharmacy for promising secondary school students

  • Lek, a Sandoz company, introduced TechBEAT, a new, innovative hands-on event for science and engineering secondary school students from Slovenia. 
  • The two-day event provided young talent with their first exposure to a global network of professional excellence from the world of science and technology in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Participants gained a first-hand insight into the work of Lek's experts and had the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a science and technology challenge. 
14. 5. 2024

From May 9 to 10, Lek hosted TechBEAT, offering promising secondary school students from Slovenia a unique insight into the challenges and trends in the pharmaceutical industry, an opportunity to network, gain concrete knowledge and experience, and get a professional insight into state-of-the-art technology.

More than thirty participants from seven secondary schools – Murska Sobota Secondary School for Vocational and Technical Education, Lendava Bilingual Secondary School, Kranj School Center, Škofja Loka School Center, Technical Education Center Ljubljana, Secondary School for Pharmacy, Cosmetics and Healthcare, and Secondary School of Technical Professions Šiška – had the opportunity to learn more about the work of a global pharmaceutical company. They received access to a global network of experts and career opportunities in an agile and inspiring business environment based on inclusiveness, fairness and diversity.

The main guests of the event were Uroš Ocepek, innovator and teacher of the year 2022 from the Secondary Technical and Vocational School Trbovlje, Petra Osojnik, Senior Validation Lead in the Aseptics unit at Lek, and Blaž  Zupan, assistant professor at the Department of Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. The students were joined by Gregor Makuc, Head Corporate Affairs and Member of the Lek Board of Management, and Tjaša Bantan Polak, Head Aseptics Ljubljana.

Gregor Makuc emphasized the importance of young people for the future of the pharmaceutical industry, stating:

"We are optimistic about the future because the new generations of professionals who will contribute to Lek's success in the coming years and decades are already on their way. It is up to us to identify them, provide them with the opportunities they need, and encourage them to grow and develop. This gives outstanding individuals the opportunity to learn about working in an international pharmaceutical environment during their education, where they can later kickstart and build their careers.”
Gregor Makuc,
Head Corporate Affairs and Member of the Lek Board of Management.

During the event, the participants visited the Aseptics production facility in Ljubljana, where around 500 finished products are manufactured, and learned first-hand about the work of Lek's associates. The core part of the program took place in Bled, where the participants attended lectures and, under the guidance of experts, worked in teams to find a science-technical solution to a practical pharmaceutical challenge. Based on the solutions presented, the authors of the challenge and judges selected the team that came up with the most compelling solution.

David Carotta, a member of the best team and a student at Kranj School Center, said at the announcement of the results: "We had extremely talented individuals in our team and we worked together to come up with the best possible solution. I am glad to have had the opportunity to work with my colleagues from different parts of Slovenia, to meet them in such an inspiring environment and to have fun while learning new things.” The other members of the winning team were Mai Zakrajšek, Secondary School of Technical Professions Šiška, Matevž Hostnik, Škofja Loka School Center, Luka Cek, Technical Education Center Ljubljana, Kaleb Hajdinjak, Murska Sobota Secondary school for Vocational and Technical Education, and Jakob Kiralj, Lendava Bilingual Secondary School.

From all the entrants, the expert jury also selected two individuals who stood out for their out-of-the-box thinking, in-depth and comprehensive view of the subject, and team spirit. They were Mai Zakrajšek and Urban Kralj Cepec, both from the Secondary School of Technical Professions Šiška. "My experience at TechBEAT was unforgettable because I learned so many new things. I would recommend this event to anyone who is interested in the technical field of science and wants to gain concrete experience. The organization was also at a very high level," said Kralj Cepec, while Zakrajšek stressed that the best part of the event was "solving the professional challenge and working with the experts."

The young talents' mentors were also satisfied with their participation in the event. "Linking business and educational institutions is essential," said Klaudio Štemberger from the Secondary School of Technical Professions Šiška. "Events like this are important both for young people to get concrete experience and for us teachers to get feedback on our work," he added.

Lek has laid a strong foundation for the further development of promising secondary school students interested in a career in the pharmaceutical industry. It has reaffirmed its role as a mentor and supporter of young talent, providing scholarships, practical training and quality work experience, as well as opportunities for personal development and career ambitions, in addition to events such as TechBEAT. 

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About Lek
Lek, a Sandoz company, is the first and oldest pharmaceutical company in Slovenia, developing, manufacturing and marketing effective, safe and high-quality generics and biosimilars for patients around the world. Our work is guided by strong ethical standards, innovative thinking and the breakthrough achievements of our world-class professionals. With more than 3,700 associates, we have been actively shaping the Slovenian, European and global research and development landscape for decades. We are building a culture of open dialog, and we proudly and responsibly hold the title of most reputable employer in Slovenia.

About Sandoz
Sandoz (SIX: SDZ; OTCQX: SDZNY) is the global leader in generic and biosimilar medicines, with a growth strategy driven by its Purpose: pioneering access for patients. More than 20,000 people of 100 nationalities work together to ensure 800 million patient treatments are provided by Sandoz, generating substantial global healthcare savings and an even larger social impact. Its leading portfolio of approximately 1500 products addresses diseases from the common cold to cancer. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Sandoz traces its heritage back to 1886. Its history of breakthroughs includes Calcium Sandoz in 1929, the world’s first oral penicillin in 1951, and the first biosimilar in 2006. In 2023, Sandoz recorded sales of USD 9.6 billion.

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