Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2014 – Lek d.d. Products 60 4. Products 84 Lek provides the professional public in Slovenia with infor- mation on the properties and action of medicines on the basis of the Summary Product Characteristics approved by the Public Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia (JAZMP). With patient information leaflets, we openly and transparently commu- nicate all the relevant information regarding the safety and efficacy of medicinal products, as well as posology and administrative information, to the final consumer. Similar practice applies to non-prescription drugs. Communication of information related to pharmaceuticals 85 is regulated by the Medicinal Products Act. With regard to communication we ensure compliance with the Novartis Promotional Practices Policy which, in se- veral cases, is even more restrictive than the above Act. Every communication we provide to the professional public is supported by reasonable scientific evidence, particularly those related to safety such as contraindications, warnin- gs, interactions, etc. In pharmacies and health institutions, various free health information materials are available for users of medicinal products, and medical advice can be ob- tained on our website at . The key therapeutic groups of medicines that we develop, produce and market, are listed under Item 1.3.2. Compliance with regulations concerning products 86 The inspection authority at JAZMP instituted no offence pro- cedure again Lek in 2014. Practices of measuring customer satisfaction 87 To gain an insight into the satisfaction of the professional public, a series of expert meetings were held. Based on participants’ feed-back, Lek once again proved to be enjoying a good reputation with the professional public which manifests a high degree of satisfaction with our product range. No opin- ion survey about pharmaceutical companies was conducted in 2014. Adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes rela- ted to marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship 88 In drug advertising we act in accordance with the rules on Advertising of Medicines (OG., RS 105/ 2008, 105/ 2010, consolidated text, effective from 8 January 2011) and with the internal SP3 – Promotional Practices Policy. Conformity of conduct is verified on a daily basis by prior approval of all promotional activities. In 2014, there were no cases of violations of marketing com- munication rules, standards and non-binding codes, including those related to advertising, promotion and sponsorship. The JAZMP instituted no procedures for any drug advertising in violation of the Promotional Practices Rules. There was no sponsorship involving drug promotion. In corporate sponsor- ship, there were no non-compliance cases. 84 GRI G4-DMA 85 GRI Indicator G4-PR3 86 GRI Indicator G4-PR4 87 GRI Indicator G4-PR5 88 GRI Indicator G4-PR7