Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

59 Labour 83 GRI Indicator G4-LA9 The associates, accompanied with the Olympians Petra Majdiã and Îan Ko‰ir, took care of their health and well-being with a relaxing early morning workout. At a special workshop they learnt about balanced healthy diet. Checking key health indicators is a part of healthcare therefore Lek employees were also given an opportunity to check body mass index, blood pressure, intraocular pressure and blood sugar levels during the Be Healthy Celebration Week. The results of the preventative activities are positive and confirm their significant value. Two associates have successfully recovered after can- cer had been detected at an early stage and having received early treatment. Based on the preventative examination, one associate successfully managed to take control of a severe disease with a help of specialist treatment. Measuring the ankle-brachial index resulted in two successful vascular surgeries. By measuring intraocular pressure, 49 cases of marginal or elevated values were detected. Appropriate thera- pies and controls prevented permanent vision impairment in those associates at risk. Lek's associates doing their morning exercise with Petra Majdiã. 3.4.1 Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category 83 In 2014 we once again increased the scope of training pro- vided to our employees. Compared to the previous year, the average number of hours training per employee increased by nearly 9%. The average amount of time given to training per employee was 5.07 days per year, or 7.71 days if compulsory on-the-job-training is included. studies, which was nearly at the same level as in the previous year. With the company’s support, 66 employees were in- volved in undergraduate studies, and 64 in post-graduate studies, mainly in biotechnology, biomedicine and chemistry. Also in 2014 we provided employees the opportunity of part-time studies upgrading the level of their formal educa- tion. In total, 4.28% of the workforce was involved in part-time 3.4.2 Training by area The largest number of training hours was dedicated to three areas: statutory and mandatory training (28%), business skills (22%) and quality (18%). The highest participation rate was recorded in quality (35%), statutory and mandatory training (30%) and business skills (20%). 3.4 Training and education Table 22: Average training hours/employee 2011 2102 2013 2014 Number of 40.07 54.32 56.36 61.68 hours/employee Year Graph 18: Average hours of training per year per employee 70 30 50 2011 40.07 54.32 56.36 61.68 10 0 2012 2013 2014 Graph 19: Training in 2014 by area – participation rate 35% 20% 30% 2% 1% 5% 7% Quality 35% Statutory and mandatory training 30% Business skills 20% Governance and management 7% Expert skills 5% IT 2% Foreign languages 1% Year