Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

57 Labour We have prepared a program for the prevention of in- cidents and accidents and improvement of safety cul- ture and selected , in accordance with this program, over 80 employees to act as safety promoters at all Lek sites. The top management was actively involved in their se- lection and confirmation. A safety promoter is employed in an organizational unit and dedicates 10 to 20% of his/her working time to safety, organizes walkthrough inspections, oversees the imple- mentation of corrective measures in the unit, gathers in- formation about near-misses, informs and reminds asso- ciates about safe conduct and behaviour and monitors safety indicators in his/her unit. All safety promoters at all sites are properly trained, as foreseen in the program. In 2014, as we have done for a number of years, we again encouraged employees to embrace a more active and healthier lifestyle with the Health promotion pro- gramme and the Novartis initiative Be Healthy . As a part of the health promotion programme we offered the associates preventative active recovery with special healthcare programmes, guided exercise and in a preven- tative vaccination program, e.g. against seasonal influen- za and against tick-born meningoencephalitis. In the field of health, safety and environment we carried out: • regular periodic training on health and safety at work and fire safety for the employees; • regular training on establishing and maintaining the safety culture (Behaviour Based Safety – BBS) for new hires and managers; • workshops on different areas of health and safety at work, such as industrial hygiene, incident investiga- tions, process risks etc.; • targeted education in the individual organizational units on health and safety at work, safety cultu- re, chemical safety, fire safety and NEM (Novartis Emergency Management) as an integral part of the BCM (Business Continuity Management); • tactical fire drills, in accordance with the risk port- folio, for checking the responsiveness of protection and rescue teams, their equipment and action in case of unforeseen events; • evacuation drills with practical fire extinguishing training; • regular annual training in first aid. Prevention of workplace accidents By preventative behaviour we recognize and prevent inappropriate behaviour and hazardous situations. A rapid response reduces the severity of accidents and near- -misses. On the basis of these basic guidelines we are improving the system of immediate reporting and in- -depth analyses and include the relevant internal and external services, such as first-aid team, occupational me- dical doctors and others. We also strengthen preventative activities, including safety walkthrough inspections and meetings, counselling with regard to safety, analyses, communication and risk assessment. Six safety rules On the basis of the analysis of incidents that occurred at Lek, we have established that the employee’s safety largely depends on their hazardous behaviour, therefore we developed six basic safety rules. Basic safety rules Training of safety promoters in Ljubljana Osnovna pravila varnosti Safely on your way. 6. Follow instructions and get trained. 1. Use proper tools / work equipment / personal protective equipment. 2. Ensure that energy has been isolated / prevent accidents. 3. Observe and correct unsafe conditions and at-risk behaviours. 4. Obtain an HSE permit before starting any work with an increased risk. 5.