Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

Graph 16: Classification of causes of work-related incidents (LTIR and TRCR) for 2014 36% 17% 13% 24% 3% 7% Contact with equipment 36% Slips, trips, falls 24% Cuts, stab wounds 17% Acute exposure to chemical/biological agents 13% Lacerations/sprains, strains, burns 7% Other 3% Graph 17: Classification of work-related incidents (LTIR, TRCR) by gender Annual overview of work-related accidents 80 2010 68.75 75 75 67 73 31.25 25 25 33 27 40 60 20 0 Percentage Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 Men (%) Women (%) 3.3.3 Absenteeism 79 The proportion of sickness absence was 3.8% recording a slight decrease compared to the previous year (2013: 3.97%). In men, the proportion was 2.96% and in women 4.65%. The rate is calculated on the basis of absence hours as follows: the number of lost working hours of an employee in the period is divided by the organizational unit's total number of working hours in the period. 3.3.4 Absenteeism rate due to work-related injuries for contracting providers In 2014, we recorded 10 injury cases among contracting providers which is more than in the previous years (2013: 4). Contracting providers perform construction and maintenan- ce activities. Injuries result from insufficient measures to prevent falling from a height and careless handling of tools. By means of walkthrough inspections, training for contrac- ting providers, and building awareness, we strive to improve their conduct and strengthen their preventive attitude. 3.3.5 Number of work-related fatalities 80 In this group of associates, no accidents resulting in fatalities were recorded. 3.3.6 Occupational disease rate 81 At Lek, a Sandoz company, no occupational illness has been identified and confirmed to date. In the process of detecting occupational illness, we closely cooperate with occupational medicine specialists, both in the field of risk assessment and workplace stress identification. 79 GRI Indicator G4-LA6 80 RC KPI 1 and RC KPI 3, GRI Indicator G4-LA6 81 RC KPI 4, GRI Indicator G4-LA7 Lek HSE systems Improving safety culture and health promotion Enhancing safety culture is one of our key tasks. The health and safety at work board (Safety Board) ensures it stays at the core of the organization by regularly monitoring cur- rent events and taking initiatives for preventative activities. The support of the top management provides openness to such initiatives and confirms comprehensive involvement of the organization in reducing accidents. Improved safety culture is reflected in continuous reduc- tion in the number of work-related incidents. In 2014, we continued to disseminate information with regard to health and safety at work. We supported the analyses of incident and near-misses investigations by commu- nicating causes and measures for prevention of occu- pational accidents in similar work environments. In units with increased risk we continued to carry out walk- through inspections and safety meetings. Sustainability Report 2014 – Lek d.d. Labour 56