Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2014 – Lek d.d. Labour 54 recommendations. The employment process is performed through implementation of the guidelines on diversity, equal opportunities and fair treatment. Decisions are taken only on the basis of employment related elements. The employee’s basic salary depends on the level of education and other elements associated with the workplace, and is not gender or site-dependent. 75 The proportion of local human resources in the senior management team (consisting of unit heads and board of management members) is 91%, the same as in the previous year. 3.2.5 Parental leave 76 Parental leave is granted to every employee fulfilling the criteria laid down in the Parental Protection and Family Benefits Act. 75 GRI Indicator G4-LA13 76 GRI Indicator G4-LA3 77 RC KPI 2, GRI Indicator G4-LA6 78 GRI Indicator G4-LA6 Men Women Total Number of employees having taken parental leave 110 115 225 Number of employees returning to work after parental leave 110 111 221 Percentage of employees returning to work after parental 100% 96.5% 98.3% leave 3.3.1 Standard injury, lost day and absentee rates 77 Detailed records of work-related incidents involving our employees have been kept for several years by means of the LTIR (lost time injury and illness rate: number of work-related injuries resulting in absence from work or the use of sick leave per 200,000 hours worked) index and TRCR (Total Recorda- ble Case Rate: number of all major and minor work-related injuries per 200,000 hours worked). In 2014 we recorded injuries of all associates (Lek’s own employees and those employed through agencies). In previ- ous years we evaluated the index only in cases when Lek’s own associates were injured. We recorded 7 cases of work- place accidents requiring sickness absence and the 2014 LTIR rate amounted to 0.22. In one case, an associate sustained a serious injury resulting from an intervention in the work- ing area of a drier during operation. The TRCR value in 2014 was 0.42 which means that there were in total 13 cases of recorded injuries. All cases were investigated and effective corrective measures to prevent recurrence of such incidents were taken. 3.3.2 Standard injury rate 78 At Lek, a Sandoz member, we also record hazardous occur- rences and near misses. In high-risk organizational units, walkthrough inspections with senior managers on site are performed and safety meetings are held. In the case of mi- nor accidents, we encourage an alternative work system, a decision on such work being made by the individual employee concerned. Among the primary causes of injuries in the first place is contact with the equipment/machinery (struck-by injury, tampering with a machine), followed by slips, trips and falls. Through incident investigation using the TapRooT analysis we note that the number of incidents could be reduced with an improved safety culture. 3.3 Occupational health and safety 2010 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.10 2011 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 2012 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 2013 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.04 2014 0.00 0.22 0.26 0.49 0.22 Year Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Table 20: LTIR Index (Lost Time Injury and Illness Rate)