Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2014 – Lek d.d. Environment 48 2.9 Safety 2.9.1 Fire safety Fire drills with intervention units that provide emergency assistance, were carried out at all our sites, along with evacu- ation drills. The number of operative voluntary fire fighters has increased as 13 associates from the Prevalje and Menge‰ site passed an advanced firefighting course and joined the operative Lek’s volunteer industrial firefighting team. 14 fire fighters passed a basic course for carrying a self-contained breathing appa- ratus, 9 fire fighters took up a refresher course for carrying a self-contained breathing apparatus and 4 fire fighters com- pleted the "Interior Fire Extinguishing - Module A" training. The Ljubljana and Menge‰ site organized a 71-hour course for First Interventions which was attended by 14 operational fire fighters. There were no major interventions in 2014. In November, oil overheating occurred at the Prevalje site resulting in the manufacturing area being filled with smoke. Lek’s volunteer industrial firefighting team and the fire brigade from Ravne in Carinthia intervened. The operation was successful. Around 250 employees and external contractor were well prepared for the evacuation in case of emergency and exited the building in the shortest possible time. Commitment to safety at work Evacuation drill at Lek’s production in Ljubljana The evacuation drill took place on 25 July in the produ- ction facility at the Ljubljana site, in cooperation with the Ljubljana Fire Brigade. Lek’s professional and voluntary firemen participated in the drill. For the first time it was conducted so that all the employ- ees and contractors were evacuated from the production facility. Normally, this kind of drill includes only individual buildings or departments. At the time of the drill there were around 250 employ- ees and external contactors in the two-storey facility. They exited at the marked escape routes and fire stairs and gathered at the designated assembly points. The purpose of the evacuation drill was: • to teach the participants about appropriate procedures and thereby assure maximum safety in the case of a real unexpected hazardous event, • to check the functionality of all parts of Lek’s safety system and the adequacy of procedures and instruc- tions upon such a critical event, • to check whether employees have all the required knowledge for proper action in the case of real danger. The drill has shown that employees at Lek’s production plant are well prepared for evacuation in case of emer- gency. It all went according to plan, and all employees left the building in the shortest possible time. The Ljubljana Fire Brigade arrived at the drill location in 7 minutes. Evacuation drills are performed regularly in accordance with Slovenian legislation and also with Novartis internal rules as safe evacuation in the case of an emergency is a part of our commitment to safety at the workplace. The evacuation drill was prepared in accordance with Novartis internal rules about the readiness of employees in the event of an emergency and in line with Slovenian legislation.