Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

47 Environment 67 EMAS Core Indicator 68 GRI Indicator G4-EN12, G4-DMA 2.8 Other environmental impact 2.8.3 Noise The main identified source of noise is manufacturing activity, particularly the operation of fermentors, compressor stations, as well as ventilation and cooling devices. The noise emis- sion levels are largely due to the immediate vicinity of busy roads, especially at the Ljubljana site. In order to control any excessive environmental noise pollution, we perform regular monitoring and analyses. None of the measurement results indicates any noise overload at any of our sites during the day, evening and night time. An exception in 2014 was the Prevalje site, where excessive noise occurred during regular operation monitoring in the night time caused by an atmospheric emis- sion control device (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer - RTO). Remedial works are already underway. In 2014, we received two noise-related complaints. They are described under Item 2.8.4 Biodiversity 68 At Lek, a Sandoz company, we are aware of the significan- ce of environmental protection. Our policy and practice is to consistently adhere to statutory waste and industrial water management requirements and take proactive measures. We thereby strive to mitigate any impact on the quality of the environment and consequently on the biodiversity of the areas surrounding our production sites. Lek facilities are located within industrial zones where there are no major environmentally critical habitat types or protected vegetation. 2.8.5 Light pollution The existing legislative regulation on light pollution stipu- lates the reduction of external illumination of production and parking areas, while on the other hand meeting minimum standards for working conditions dictates sufficient illumina- tion. Taking into account the results of studies that research the well-being of people exposed to warmer colour shades of outdoor lighting, we are confronted with requirements that we hardly meet in practice. For this reason, Lek, a Sandoz company, has had comprehensive expert studies for its sites. The outdoor lighting was remedied using modern technologies; however at the same time we compromised by reducing its operation in the limited period of time when labour needs are reduced. 2.8.1 Odour Slovenia's environmental regulations do not cover environ- mental odour pollution, however, we have installed biofilters wherever odour from industrial processes is expected, thus preventing it from affecting the local population, for example above wastewater equalization ponds. The monitoring of biofilters' operation and waste air loads is carried out by the National laboratory for health, environment and food from Maribor. 2.8.2 Soil As the environmental impact on soil pollution is usually irre- versible, this area is of special concern to us. We consistently fulfil the requirements with regard to hazard- ous substance storage and transport, which are the major soil pollutants. We regularly check the leak-proof status of sewage systems, particularly those carrying industrial wastewater. This is of particular importance at the Menge‰ and Ljubljana sites which are situated in a water protection area. Furthermore, we introduce preventive measures in the production processes and the construction of facilities. At the end of 2013, provisions from the European Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) from 2010 were transposed into the Slovenian legislation. This decision, among other things, introduces a requirement for operational monitoring of soil contamination at least once every 10 years, as well as re- mediation and return to its original state in case of an iden- tified impact on the quality of soil after the termination of the industrial plant. Conditions and criteria for preparation of the report based on monitoring at the national level have not yet been adopted; however, based on good international practices, we have already launched activities to meet re- quirements for the Menge‰ site. To date, no remedial action due to soil pollution has been needed at Lek. Table 19: Land use by site 67 Menge‰ Lendava Prevalje Ljubljana Lek Green surfaces in m 2 36,878 102,822 20,140 1,946 161,786 Building surfaces – aerial view (in m 2 ) 37,087.5 15,703 39,930 7,324 100,044.5 Asphalt surface – roads, courtyards (in m 2 ) 43,608 18,138 46,269 9,257 117,272 Total site surface area with parking lots (in m 2 ) 129,742 136,663 121,500 18,527 406,432 Production site surface area/product (in m 2 /t) 248 529 48 13 87