Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2014 – Lek d.d. Environment 44 2.6.6 Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 60 Novartis' recommendations on the use of alternative sol- vents in production are implemented through a systematic introduction of innovations in technological manufacture processes, where halogenated solvents are replaced with non-halogenated ones. In 2014, total VOC emissions saw a decrease of 21%. It decreased most significantly at the Ljubljana site, by more than 50%, while the efficiency per tonne of product improved significantly along with producti- on growth. At the Menge‰ site, a device for removal of halogenated solvents from exhaust air using state-of-the-art cryogenic condensation is in operation. With the final replacement of methylene chloride with ethanol, the halogenated solvents at the Prevalje site were discontinued even prior to that. 2010 t 25 58 170 5,5 258 0.079* 2011 t 24 36 146 6,2 212 0.056* 2012 t 23 43 71 5,4 142 0.038* 2013 t 24 28 68 5,8 126 0.032* 2014 t 23 13 57 7,2 100 0.021 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Efficiency (Lek) ( t VOC/t product) Table 17: Total emissions of volatile organic compounds * Data differs from that reported in the Sustainability Report 2013 as result of changed data on production output for the Ljubljana site. 60 RC KPI 9 61 GRI G4-DMA 2.7 Water releasses 61 Lek’s wastewaters are directed into the public sewage system through technological, cooling and municipal ducts. For indus- trial wastewaters, all the sites have equalization basins in- stalled before being discharged into the sewer system. The Prevalje site industrial wastewater is also technologically neutralized. Only non-contact cooling water is released into the cooling sewage system. Unpolluted cooling water is discharged di- rectly into a surface water course whenever possible. Roof precipitation wastewater is discharged into surface water courses directly or indirectly. Reports on the Monitoring of Industrial Wastewaters Dis- charge for 2014 show that, with the exception of exceeding the Zn parameter in three out of the eight measurements at the Lendava site, no excessive pollution was identified at any of the other sites. In 2014, the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients and related activities were carried out within the expected limits therefore we were not able to connect elevated concentrations with our operations. All the more so because we have so far not recorded any exceeding values during the monitoring implemented in 2015. 2.7.1 Waste waters Protection of waters from pollution is one of the most complex areas of environmental protection and an important aspect of a comprehensive water management. We are aware that pollutants pose a risk to human health and the environment therefore we are looking for solutions to achieve the set goals in a technically and cost effective manner. At the Menge‰ and Lendava sites, waste cooling waters account for more than 80% of the total water quantity used. In 2014, their consumption increased slightly, as did the consumption of industrial water (in total by 7%). After use, unpolluted waste cooling waters are discharged into the surface water course, a procedure for which environ- mental permits have been obtained.