Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

43 Environment Green roof on the new building in Menge‰ Before the end of the year we completely renovated the main entrance at our Menge‰ site, together with the re- ception area, the classroom for new hires and bicycle shed. For the construction of the new complex, we used mainly wood. A special feature of the new building is its green roof which does not have a significant impa- ct on reducing the building’s energy requirements, how- ever it has several favourable effects. Due to its location on a busy road it exerts a positive impact on reducing CO 2 emissions and other air pollutants (dust). The im- pact of the green roof with its pleasant shade will be significant particularly in the summer months with high outdoor temperatures. The green roof in Menge‰ is, beside the green roof above our canteen in Ljubljana the second construction project that reflects the sustainability of the company and outlines environmental, economic and sociological aspects. GHG1 2010 t CO 2 12,071 3,005 14,353 1,955 31,384 9.6 2011 t CO 2 11,839 3,699 15,135 1,999 32,672 8.6 2012 t CO 2 10,801 2,928 13,484 1,821 29,034 7.6 2013 t CO 2 10,774 2,792 13,966 2,053 29,585 7.6 2014 t CO 2 10,691 3,310 14,139 2,068 30,208 6.4 GHG2 2010 t CO 2 15,870 33,218 11,879 2,407 63,374 19.3 2011 t CO 2 16,023 35,117 11,938 2,482 65,560 17.3 2012 t CO 2 12,438 27,793 3,870 816 44,917 11.8 2013 t CO 2 1,575** 24,242** 970** 214** 27,001** 6.9 2014 t CO 2 1,658 25,431 976 222 28,286 6.0 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Efficiency (Lek) (t CO 2 /t product)* Table 16: Carbon dioxide and other gases contributing to the greenhouse effect * Changes of data as a result of changed data on production output for the Ljubljana site. ** Quantities for 2013 were adjusted due to the change in the conversion factor introduced by the electricity supplier. Due to the change in the conversion factor for the calcula- tion of CO 2 from supplied electricity, total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions were reduced in 2012 and 2013 and increased in 2014. This factor depends on the structure of electricity purchased and is calculated by the supplier. The total volume of direct greenhouse gas emissions, however, was slightly increased compared to the previous year. The increasing emission volumes were also due to new highly complex products. Consequently, emission abatement is our top-priority task. It is mainly achieved through systemic energy management, process changes, implementation of new technological solutions in the phase of product develop- ment/transfer, and installation of energy- and environmentally efficient devices. At the Menge‰ site, the main source of direct CO 2 emissions (GHG1) is natural gas combustion (>90%) in the burning devices. One of the contributory factors is also the manufac- ture of technologically advanced products of higher energy complexity. The Lendava and Menge‰ sites participate in trading with CO 2 emission vouchers. According to the law, we have an obliga- tion to report the emission to the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, and to pay an environmental fee for all four sites. Green roof on the newly renovated main entrance at the Menge‰ site