Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2014 – Lek d.d. Environment 36 41 GRI Indicator G4-EN6 2010 GJ 154,082 134,083 115,320 23,376 426,861 2011 GJ 155,551 140,221 115,898 24,111 435,781 2012 GJ 167,994 152,638 116,215 24,551 461,398 2013 GJ 189,032 155,394 116,498 25,686 486,610 2014 GJ 198,955 169,269 117,140 26,601 511,965 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Table 7: Electricity consumption Graph 5: Distribution of energy used by primary energy sources 2.3.2 Distribution of energy by energy sources In the structure of purchased energy sources, electricity accounts for the largest proportion of used energy with 45% as well as natural gas with 34.5%. These two energy sources are the primary source for three sites. At the Ljubljana site specifically, in addition to these energy sources, we also purchase industrial steam that accounts for a 15% share and heating water for a mere 5% share of its energy sources. 2.3.3 Energy efficiency improvements 41 We have been continuously increasing the production of dif- ficult-to-make products which are manufactured in smaller quantities but have a higher added value. Complex pro- duction processes dictate the use of more complex produc- tion equipment which usually entails more demanding energy consumption. Our efforts to ensure energy efficiency are therefore a part of our production process management. We are also continuously building our employees' aware- ness of energy use. In 2014, additional measures were taken to improve energy efficiency, that generated energy savings of 34.2 TJ in total and 1,408 tonnes lower emission of CO 2 into the air. These results were achieved through the following projects: • At the Menge‰ site, several improvements to different energy systems were implemented, which resulted in energy savings of 3,996 GJ. By installing a more energy-efficient turbo compressor at the compressor station for the preparation of low-pressure air for fer- mentation we generated savings in electricity consump- tion. Significant savings were also generated in the process of preparation of cooling water where a free cooling system was introduced improving the control of the entire system. • At the Lendava site, a Girola boiler heating system was upgraded. The use of industrial steam was replaced by exploiting flue gases from the incinerator furnace. With this project, by installing a free cooling system and by some other smaller projects we reduced the use of energy by 6,694 GJ per year. • At the Ljubljana site, we reduced energy consumption by 3,113 GJ per year through some smaller projects, especially the system for exploiting waste heat and im- provement of air-conditioning control. At the same site, we also renewed the facade of the tablet production facility and improved the insulation and energy efficien- cy thereof. • Lendava was the leading site in implementing energy projects. With one major and several smaller projects we reduced its energy consumption by as much as 20,459 GJ annually. Major natural gas savings were generated by introducing a system for exploiting waste gas from a steam boiler resulting from thermal oxidati- on of waste solvent emissions. Apart from some minor improvements we also upgraded air-conditioning sys- tems and systems for the preparation of compressed air. In 2014, electricity consumption increased by 5% over the previous year. 5% 34% 45% 16% Electricity 45% Natural gas 34% Steam 16% Heating 5%