Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

35 Environment Fossil fuels 46.12% Coal and lignite 38.71% Natural gas 4.54% Oil derivates 0.16% Unidentifiable sources 2.71% Nuclear fuel 37.35% Renewable sources 16.53% Hydropower 12.60% Wind 0.05% Solar energy 2.65% Geothermal energy 0.00% Biomass 0.42% Landfill gas 0.34% Municipal wastewater treatment gas 0.00% Biogas 0.36% Biodiesel 0.01% Unidentifiable sources 0.10% Total 100.00% Year 2014 Table 6: Structure of purchased electricity sources Graph 4: Structure of purchased electricity sources 37.35% 38.71% 4.54% 0.16% 2.71% 12.60% 0.05% 2.65% 0.42% 0.34% 0.36% 0.10% Hydropower 12.60% Biomass 0.42% Renewable sources 16.53% Wind 0.05% Landfill gas 0.34% Solar energy 2.65% Municipal wastewater treatment gas 0.00% Biodiesel 0.01% Geothermal energy 0.00% Biogas 0.36% Unidentifiable sources 0.10% Coal and lignite 38.71% Fossil fuels 46.12% Natural gas 4.54% Oil derivates 0.16% Unidentifiable sources 2.71% Nuclear fuel 37.35% Nuclear fuel 37.35%