Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

29 Environment 2.1.4 Verification of compliance with implemented standards 33 Lek, a Sandoz company, with all of its four sites, became in 2012 the first Slovenian pharmaceutical company to join the EMAS scheme, the EU Eco-Management Audit System. The environmental verifier (the Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology – Accreditation Number SI-V-0001) confirmed that the Sustainability Report of Lek d.d. for the year 2013 reflects a reliable, credible and correct image of all the organisations/ sites activities, within the scope mentioned in the environmental statement. To a series of successful audits and inspections, we added new ones in 2014. Other external checks also confirmed the com- pliance of our operations with the quality standards of conduct in the field of the environment ISO 14001, health and safety at work OHSAS 18001 and the Responsible Care Initiative. 2.1.5 Optimization of business processes Lek implements many projects for the optimization of business processes, which play a significant part in the improvement of the company’s environmental performance. This is also integral to our business strategy and environmental policy. The key business process optimization projects include: TH!NK SANDOZ Initiative TH!NK SANDOZ, a web-based idea management pro- gram, was launched as a pilot project in April 2012 and has brought excellent results. In 2014, our associates from all four sites contributed 959 ideas (866 in 2013), of which around 500 were adopted. Over 260 ideas have already been applied in practice. Interesting suggestions and ide- as were proposed by as many as 411 different associates, which represents 13% of employees The implemented ideas resulted in direct measurable savings of over EUR 3.1 million. European Integrated Facilities Management (EIFM) Also in 2014 we continued to roll-out the IFM project, that in May became a part of Novartis’ biggest organizational change, the implementation of the new Novartis Business Services (NBS) division. This will enable Novartis to consol- idate its activities across its key divisions and adding this fourth division will support the first three (Novartis Pharma, Sandoz and Alcon). The IFM project has therefore become a small part of the comprehensive functional organizational changes which are, through more direct corporate influence, orientated towards more intensive development, cost reduc- tion and subsequently increased competitiveness. The new division is expected to be fully operational in 2015. Share at Th!nk Sandoz Lek’s internal portal for equipment and chemicals exchange Through the Th!nk Sandoz initiative designed for gather- ing interesting ideas from the employees, Lek’s internal portal for laboratory equipment, other equipment and chemicals exchange was established. It is intended for exchanging the equipment that is no longer needed by the associates in one department but would be useful in another department or unit. The portal was successfully launched and came to life and soon contained over 50 pieces of different laboratory equipment and materials. 33 GRI G4-DMA Prime contest 2014 Prime Solution, Prime Breakthrough and Prime Leader awards bestowed Among 14 proposals received in the category Prime Breakthrough and 18 proposals in the category Prime Solution, the Prime Contest jury announce the winning proposals. The Prime Breakthrough award recognized the proposal Gastrointestinal Tract Simulators for a More Competitive Development of Finished Pharmaceutical Forms, submitted by the development Center Slovenia team (Uro‰ Klanãar, Igor Legen, Barbara Kuniã Te‰oviç, Sandra Berglez, Alenka Bevc). The proposal – Similarity Factor – a Procedure to Compare Chromatograms, sub- mitted by the proposers from the Development Center Slovenia (Miroslav Planinc Kovaãeviã and Ivan Plantan) received the Prime Solution award. The Innovation Com- mittee recognized with the title Prime Leader 2014 the leader who promoted an innovation most effectively in his/ her department in the past year. The award in this catego- ry went to Luka Peternel, Head of the FT1 group, Pharma- ceutical Development, Slovenia.