Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

25 Environment 27 GRI G4-DMA, GRI Indicators G4-EN29, G4-EN34 2.1 Implementation of active environmental policy 27 The key direct environmental aspects of our operations in- clude the use of energy, water, emissions to the air, emission to water, waste, noise and, to a lesser extent, odour and the use of soil. Indirect environmental aspects mainly include impacts from suppliers/contractual service providers (Items 2.1.6 and 6.1.2). The active environmental policy of Lek, a Sandoz company, is implemented through a number of activities to protect the environment which often go beyond mere fulfilment of statutory provisions. The most important among them are the upgrading and improvements of existing measures and the introduction of new ones. Business decisions are made in consideration of direct and indirect environmental impacts. In the area of innovation and development of new products, we carefully consider all benefits and risks in a scientific and transparent manner. With efficient resolution of HSE related complaints and by taking appropriate corrective action, we provide a safe and employee-friendly work environment, mitigate business rela- ted environmental risks and contribute to creating the com- pany’s goodwill. Resolving HSE related complaints is carried out in accordance with internal procedures which require the person responsible to start an investigation within 24 hours. With respect to the investigation outcome and justificati- on of the complaint, the head of the HSE site ensures that necessary corrective measures are taken. The entire proc- ess is documented and archived. In 2014 we were not charged with any penalties for non- -compliance with environmental laws; however, we received seven external complaints, which are described under Item, together with action taken. 2. Environment