Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

23 Company Profile Stakeholder engagement 24 In accordance with Novartis policy, we include stakeholders in different ways. For better understanding of patients’ needs, we use focus groups and cooperate with groups of patients, organized in associations and initiatives. We participate to- gether with academia and the scientific community at scientific conferences, and cooperate with professional organizations, educational institutions, research institutions and researchers in the field of chemistry, biology and healthcare. We learn about the satisfaction and views of our employees through a survey that is carried out every second year. At meetings with our suppliers, we endeavour to learn about their expectations and experiences. We include stakeholders (patients, doctors, pharmacists, wholesalers and retailers) in the use of new technologies and information channels. We provide balanced, accurate and easy-to-understand scientific information on diseases, treat- ments and treatment policies that concern patients. We pursue an interest in providing information to the public through building open and proactive relations with the media. An open dialogue with our key stakeholders forms part of our endeavour to be a respectable and successful healthcare company in Slovenia and abroad. It is maintained through a prompt response to the questions received, and by means of a responsive policy and practice of complaint handling. We pay considerable attention to local communities, listen to the initiatives provided by the local population, and, pursuant to Slovenian laws, implement them in practice, where possible. In 2014, we received seven complaints from local residents 25 . The Ljubljana site received four complaints, two were noise- -related, one referred to wrongly sorted waste in one of the containers and the other one to air emissions. In the first case, the complaint was filed by a local resident who also filed complaints in years 2011, 2012 and 2013. In previous years we installed silencers, whereby the noise level was consid- erably reduced significantly below limit values, therefore, no additional activities were carried out in 2014 with regard to this issue. Compliance with the law was confirmed by regular measurements of noise emissions. We also handled a com- plaint about the identified source of noise along the site bor- der with Verov‰kova street. There we installed a sound barrier which was appropriately upgraded at the time of the overhaul. In the third case we tightened control over the appropriate separation of waste in production. The air-emission com- plaint was unjustified and related to steam coming from cooling towers along Verov‰kova street. The Menge‰ complaint referred to light pollution the source of which was an incorrect positioning of a flood light. The fault was remedied. At the Prevalje site we received two noise- -related complaints. In one case, we examined the possibility of providing additional noise insulation for potential noise sources. The intrusive sound from the power station was prevented by meticulous closing of doors and windows. In 2015, some technical measures to reduce noise levels will be also conducted at the Prevalje site. The inclusion of the local community is also carried out through Open House Days. In 2014, Biopharmaceuticals Menge‰ organized an Open House Day for the families of the employees to show our loved ones where we work and what we do, to explain what the mission of our work is, and to visit the laboratories and other areas where we work. The response was excellent, with more than 300 people attending the event. The information about the impacts of our business is pub- lished in the Sustainability Reports for Lek d.d. for individual years, the most recent report is available at http://www.lek. si/en/social-responsibility/ . 24 GRI Disclosures G4-26, G4-27 25 GRI Indicators G4-EN34, G4-SO1 Stakeholders we engage with a Sandoz company Other industries Suppliers Pharmaceutical industry Medical agencies Academia and scientific community Regulators Customers Healthcare professionals and healthcare providers Patients Employees Workers' Council and trade union Local communities Owners Media Financial market participants Non-governmental organizations Opinion leaders