Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

13 Company Profile Ale‰ Rokavec, site Head Solids, Ljubljana In Ljubljana, products for the entire Sandoz are developed, both standard and the technologically most demanding pro- ducts such as formulations with modified release and nasal sprays. Many novel products are later also manufactured in Ljubljana. On this location, manufacturing activities started in 1975 and are now carried out in two organizational units – Solids and Steriles. Since the outset, production has been contin- uously growing and modernizing. The biggest milestones were in 1992 and 2004 when we expanded the production plant, and in 2008 and 2014 when we set up new control la- boratories and later expanded them. Investing in capacities and infrastructure continued also in 2014, by increasing the tableting capacity and packaging into plastic bottles. Once again we were successful in the area of quality, health and environmental safety. We successfully passed all inspec- tions by state agencies and customer audits in both areas and thereby confirmed the high level of quality and safety of our manufacturing. Solid dosage forms (TDI) The solid dosage forms unit has a broad range of products as we manufacture more than 500 solid dosage forms for which we use more than 90 molecules (active pharmaceu- tical ingredients). We package more than 3,000 finished pharmaceutical products for almost 90 markets around the world. The majority of our products are manufactured on multi-purpose production lines which are highly automated and centrally computer-controlled. This enables us reliable complexity management, with faster response to market needs and a reliable lead time from receiving raw materials to dispatching the finished product on the market. In 2014, our tableting plant achieved a new production volume record with more than 7 billion pcs produced. We packaged more than 400 million primary packaging units in around 170 million packages. We remain the leading Sandoz location for launching new products. In 2014, we launched more than 360 finished products and more than 2,000 in the last three years. On a path to becoming a leading Sandoz manufacture center for solid pharmaceutical forms "In recent years, the production of solid pharmaceutical products at the Ljubljana site has been continuously in- creasing. At the same time we modernized production and infrastructure, increased our capacity and the number of employees. Within Sandoz we have established ourselves through highly qualified associates with expertise in complex tech- nologies who are able to quickly adapt to changing needs of the market while preserving the high quality of our products and ensuring the safety of the manufacturing process. In the area of solid pharmaceutical forms we act as a knowledge center for the Sandoz production network and have a leading position in introducing new technolo- gies and processes, with our experts helping other produc- tion facilities. The generic pharmaceutical industry is a dynamic business environment. Our customers expect high quality, respon- siveness and a reliable supply at a competitive price. In the production of generics we can be successful only if we have knowledge that allows us to be able to manufacture demanding products, and with high productivity."