Sustainability Report 2014 Lek d.d.

11 Company Profile Corporate Citizenship A day that enriches all of us. Lek, a Sandoz company, is one of the pioneers of corporate volunteering in Slovenia. There are a number of volunteers among Lek's associates who are dedicated to volunteering throughout the year. In early May, they join Novartis' asso- ciates around the world and give a helping hand to people in their home environment as part of the global Community Partnership Day initiative. In 2014 we celebrated the tenth anniversary of this initiative which was launched a year after Novartis' acquisition of Lek. As across the entire Novartis, the Community Partner- ship Day has grown to become one of the most important activities to promote social responsibility. In early May, more than 300 associates of Lek, a Sandoz company, Novartis Pharma, Novartis Animal Health and Alcon have dedicated their working day to volunteering. As Katarina Klemenc , Head Corporate Communication, owner and provider of corporate volunteering initiatives at Lek, said ''in volunteering, good will is typically repaid many times over as it provides valuable help and forges strong ties with the local community, and at the same time connects the associates and enhances their satisfaction." Novartis associates in Slovenia once again actively partici- pated in the broad volunteering program in the local com- munity. • We took children with special needs to visit the House of Experiments and help them to participate in an exci- ting day of experiencing science. • We landscaped the surroundings and painted and decorated the interiors of the holiday bungalows for children spending holidays in the Slovenian Friends of Youth resort in Pacug. • We also landscaped the surroundings of the facility for rescue team training in Jezersko and helped chil- dren from socially handicapped families to landscape and refurbish the children’s shelter Mala Hi‰a (Little House) in Pil‰tanj, managed by the Materina Du‰ica association. • We organised a fun day on a boat on the Ljubljanica river, including bingo and picnics for the residents of homes for the elderly Bokalce, Menge‰ and Prevalje. • We took part at a sports day for children at the Lendava Bilingual Primary School II, directing them at the orien- teering run and athletics competition. Corporate Responsibility at Lek, a Sandoz company, is based on the Novartis and Sandoz corporate responsibility program and is a strategic priority for our business. The objectives of the Sandoz Corporate Responsibility program are the following: • increasing access to affordable medicines and • being a responsible and ethical employer, an active community member and a leading company in the industry . Through implementation of the corporate responsibility program: • we further our business mission and • develop programs, inclusive business models and other initiatives which increase accessibility, affordability and availability of high-quality medicines for patients around the world. We operate in accordance with the highest standards of ethical business conduct. We organised a fun day for residents of homes for the elderly in Menge‰ and Prevalje. The Sandoz Corporate Responsibility program focuses on four key areas. We strive to increase access to health services, medicines and raising awareness about health. Access to medicines. People and comunity. Sustainable Business operation. We adopt a preventive approach, striving to make efficient use of natural resources and minimizing our environmental impact. Ethical business conduct. Corporate volunteering – 10 years of Community Partnership Day We are a responsible and ethical employer and benefit our wider community.