Sustainability Report 2013 Lek d.d.

9 Company Profile Therefore, all our investment projects go hand in hand with technological innovation and improved process effi- ciency. We invested EUR 2.8 million in improved environ- mental protection. We launched a new thermal oxidizer for thermal oxidation of VOC emissions at the Prevalje site and an ozonizer for effective cleaning of pharmaceu- tical ingredients in waste water in Menge‰. Due to the in- creased scale and fluctuations of the product mix, electri- city consumption increased by 5%; however, we managed to maintain total energy consumption at the same level as that in 2012. Even energy efficiency per tonne of product remained unchanged which is noteworthy due to fluctua- tions in the production program structure and changes in the direction of complex (demanding) products. With numerous ongoing energy projects at all sites, we aim to conserve resources and increase efficiency, whi- le at the same time reducing our carbon footprint. With these projects we saved 57,600 GJ energy and reduced CO 2 emissions by 3,455 tonnes in 2013. We achieved greater efficiency in other areas also. Relative to the base year 2010, the efficiency of water consumption improved by 24%. In 2013 the total amount of emissions of volatile organic compounds was reduced by 11%, and efficiency per tonne of product was also improved. For Lek, a Sandoz company, waste management is also particularly challenging. The largest proportion of our waste includes biodegradable waste transferred to nearby biogas plants. Without accounting for such waste, we im- proved waste management efficiency by nearly 5% and reduced the volume of hazardous waste by 7%. Our impact on the environment is successfully limited by strict control over emissions, regular measurements and fulfilling all legal requirements and Novartis guidelines, which are often stricter than Slovenian laws. We successfully passed a number of inspections, inclu- ding the most demanding audits by the FDA. External audits once again proved the compliance of our opera- tions with environmental standards (ISO 14001), health and safety at work standards (OHSAS 18001) and the Responsible Care program. Through preventative me- asures and training sessions for safe behaviour at work, we achieved a low rate of sick leave due to work-related injuries in 2013. The LTIR index dropped to 0.04 and was reduced by a fifth. Thousands of contributors. These results did not come automatically. They are the result of the work of a growing family, which, with its professional, diligent and dedica- ted work co-creates the development of the company and further success of the Sandoz Group. Our home rema- ins in the local communities with whom we share and re- spect natural resources, exchange knowledge and jointly acquire irreplaceable experience at humanitarian events and through mutual assistance. With particular responsibility we extend our hand to children, the elderly and groups of patients and remain faithful partners of many non-profit organizations. Their cooperation and joint contributions to society helped create the contents of the report on sustainability indica- tors of Lek’s operations. We are proud that thousands of contributors helped prepare this report. Vojmir Urlep President of the Lek Board of Management