Sustainability Report 2013 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2013 – Lek d.d. Objectives for 2013 Realization in 2013 (for entire Lek, a Sandoz company) * Definition of LTIR and TRCR indexes and formula for their calculation are given under Item 3.3.2 Monitoring of work-related incidents. Ecotoxicity assessment of APIs, Realized. % of APIs in production Evaluation for all APIs for which ecotoxicity data is available in literature. Due to changing of the API range in the production this is an ongoing task. Non-halogenated VOC Realized. emissions to the air (nh-VOC) Emissions reached 126 tonnes. Target: ≤142 tones Halogenated VOC emissions Realized. to the air (h-VOC) Emissions reached 0.7 tonnes. Target: 1 tone Energy savings Projects realized. Despite the increase in production we managed to maintain the use of energy on the same level as in 2012. Reducing hazardous Realized. waste volumes Hazardous waste reduced by 7%. Reducing non-hazardous Not realized. waste volumes Despite disregarding mycelium waste, the non-hazardous waste volume increased by 3%. LTIR* (own employees) Realized. Target: ≤0.14 Realization 0.04. LTIR* (own employees + Realized. employees hired through Realization 0.03. employment agencies) Target: ≤0.16 TRCR* (own employees) Realized. Target: ≤0.43 Realization 0.38. HSE targets for 2013