Sustainability Report 2013 Lek d.d.

57 Labour / Products Graph 15: Training in 2013 by area – participation rate 41% 27% 16% 10% 4% 1% 1% Expert skills 41% Quality 27% Governance and Management 16% Statutory skills 10% Development of Communication skills 4% Computer science and information technology 1% Foreign languages 1% Marketing 0% 4. Products 85 Communication of information related to pharmaceuticals 86 is regulated by the Medicinal Products Act. Lek provides the professional public in Slovenia with information on the pro- perties and action of medicines on the basis of the Summary Product Characteristics approved by the Public Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia (JAZMP). With patient information leaflets, we open- ly and transparently communicate all the relevant information regarding the safety and efficacy of medicinal products, as well as posology and administrative information, to the final consumer. Similar practice applies to non-prescription drugs. With regard to communication we ensure compliance with the Novartis Promotional Practices Policy which, in several cases, is even more restrictive than the above Act. Every communication we provide to the professional public is sup- ported by reasonable scientific evidence, particularly those related to safety such as contraindications, warnings, intera- ctions, etc. In pharmacies and health institutions, various free health information materials are available for users of medi- cinal products, and medical advice can be obtained on our website at . The key therapeutic groups of medicines that we develop, produce and market, are listed under item 1.3.2. 85 GRI G4-DMA 86 GRI Indicator G4-PR3 87 GRI Indicator G4-PR4 88 GRI Indicator G4-PR5 One of the products launched in 2013. Compliance with regulations concerning products 87 In 2013, the inspection authority at JAZMP introduced an offence procedure against Lek which was however, halted due to the lack of evidence supporting the alleged offense. Practices of measuring customer satisfaction 88 To gain an insight into the satisfaction of the professional public, a series of expert meetings were held. Based on participants’ feed-back, Lek once again proved to be enjoying a good reputation with the professional public which manifests a high degree of satisfaction with our product range. No opin- ion survey about pharmaceutical companies was conducted in 2013. Business development Leading in the introduction of new products Lek, a Sandoz company, is a leading Sandoz site in the in- troduction of new products. In 2013, more than 1,300 laun- ches of new products were carried out in global markets. This represents 36% of all Sandoz’ new launches. Among them there are as many as 20 demanding patent launches to different countries across the world.