Sustainability Report 2013 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2013 – Lek d.d. Labour 56 84 GRI Indicator G4-LA9 Employee education and training The TOP 10 Education Management 2013 award proves the quality of our education system. The award is dedicated to the ten most successful companies and organisations in Slovenia which in 2013 invested in education and training of employees the most. It is given by Planet GV in coopera- tion with the Education Management Institute Sofos. Upon receiving the award, Jasna Kos, Head of Lear- -ning&Training at Lek, a Sandoz company, highlighted: "This year we have been ranked, for the eleventh time in a row, among the ten most successful companies in Slovenia which invest most intensely and systematically in the de- velopment of human resources. The award confirms that continuous and systematic investment in education and training of employees is of the utmost importance for our company. The culture of knowledge and learning is embed- ded in all the pores of our company." At Lek, a Sandoz company, we give priority to quality and regulation, governance and management and expert skills. In recent times we have focused more intensely on educa- tion on compliance and integrity as well as the education of leaders with in-house programs. We also encourage the development of advanced learning forms, including self- -education and e-learning. TOP 10 Award for the 11 th time in a row Jasna Kos, Head Learning&Training at Lek, a Sandoz company 3.4 Training and education The scope of training provided to our employees has been increasing for the past few years. Compared to the previous year, the average number of hours training per employee increased by nearly 4%. The average amount of time given to training per employee was 4.63 days per year or 6.99 days if compulsory on-the-job-training is included. Also in 2013, Lek, a Sandoz company provided employees the opportunity of part-time studies. In total, 5% of the work- force was involved in part-time studies, which was at the same level as in the previous year. With the company’s sup- port, 71 employees were involved in undergraduate studies, and 82 in post-graduate studies, mainly in biotechnology, biomedicine and chemistry. Table 22: Average training hours/employee 2011 2102 2013 Number of hours / 40.07 54.32 56.36 employee Year 3.4.1 Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category 84 3.4.2 Training by area In 2013, the largest number of training hours was dedica- ted to quality (22%), governance and management (18%) and foreign languages (18%). The highest participation rate was recorded in expert skills (41%), followed by quality (27%), governance and management (16%).