Sustainability Report 2013 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2013 – Lek d.d. Labour 54 In 2013, all Lek sites took part in the global GCC (Global Corporate Challenge) project. The project encourages the employees to walk using a pedometer. All participating employees together made 127,329 km or 198,965,605 steps (a daily average of 14,033 in Ljubljana, 20,914 in Lendava, 17,118 in Menge‰ and 19,397 in Prevalje). 77% GCC participants reported that the project changed their attitude to taking the care of their health in their own hands in a positive sense. Small steps can often lead to greater well- -being Novartis puts great emphasis on the promotion of healthy living among the employees, in order to attract as many associates as possible with a variety of opportunities and initiatives. In 2013, up to 95% of employees joined the global Be Healthy initiative. A part of the initiative is also the annual Be Healthy Celebration Week, in which 2,400 associates from all sites participated. An ally in our efforts to spread the notion of a healthy life- style, a former top biathlon athlete Petra Majdiã, prepared a Nordic walking course in cooperation with two professio- nal instructors for the associates at all sites. Also important for the preservation of health are preventative health checks. The employees had a chance to measure the ankle-brachial index for preventive detection of arterial diseases in the legs and the test with tumour markers for the detection of cancero- us changes in in the prostate. The response was significant, as at the Ljubljana, Menge‰ and Lendava site 203 ankle- brachial indexes were measured and 124 blood samples were tested for PSA markers. We also focused on another two visible factors of caring for health, together with a doctor and athlete Nada Rotovnik Kozjek, MD. In presentations that have been met with strong interest by employees, she advised on a diverse and bal- anced diet. "Everybody takes care of his/her own health; however it is the responsibility of an employer to encourage the employ- ees to embrace healthy lifestyles. Healthy and relaxed employees can cope more easily with challenges both at the workplace and in their private lives," said Robert Hribar, Head HSE at Lek, a Sandoz company, on the occasion of the Be Healthy Celebration Week "I am pleased that this year, movement, healthy eating and well-being activities have once again taken over Lek’s premises for a few days. The program was designed so as to enable a comprehen- sive approach to maintaining a healthy lifestyle of the as- sociates. We focused particular attention on our associates in production and therefore adjusted the program of acti- vities during the Be Health Celebration Week to their work schedule." Be healthy celebration week Our associates learned the technique of Nordic walking as a part of the Be Healthy Celebration Week Measurements of ankle-brachial index were carried out.