Sustainability Report 2013 Lek d.d.

53 Labour 81 RC KPI 1 and RC KPI 3, GRI Indicator G4-LA6 82 RC KPI 4, GRI Indicator G4-LA6 83 GRI G4-DMA 3.3.4 Absenteeism rate due to work- -related injuries for contracting providers In 2013, we recorded 4 injuries among contracting providers, a level identical to that the year before and lower than the level in 2010 (7 cases). Contracting providers perform construction and mainte- nance activities. Injuries result from insufficient measures to prevent falling from a height and careless handling of tools. By means of walkthrough inspections, training for contract- ing providers, and building awareness, we strive to improve their conduct and strengthen their preventive attitude. 3.3.5 Number of work-related fatalities 81 In this group of associates, no accidents resulting in fatalities were recorded. 3.3.6 Rate of occupational disease 82 At Lek, a Sandoz company, no occupational illness has been identified and confirmed to date. In the process of de- tecting occupational illness, we closely cooperate with oc- cupational medicine specialists, both in the field of risk assessment and workplace stress identification. 3.3.7 Health promotion program 83 The duties of employers with respect to ensuring health and safety at work and promoting health in the workplace are laid down in the Health and Safety at Work Act (ZVZD-1). According to the Act, the employer should develop a com- prehensive preventive policy that includes workplace health promotion programs. Health promotion is at Lek, a Sandoz company, a process that enables employees to take control of health in their own hands and represents a joint effort of both the company and workers to improve their health and well-being. The "Be Healthy" program that we implement is an initia- tive aiming to improve the health of our employees and is implemented across the entire Novartis group around the world. It is designed to promote healthy lifestyle, share knowledge and experience and prevent injuries and illnesses which could affect associates’ private and pro- fessional life. It is designed on the basis of risk assessments for individual jobs, reports from periodic medical examina- tions and individual medical reports. The Be Healthy program is based on four pillars: Expected benefits Workers who work in an improved working environment are healthier and more motivated. As a result, the following can be expected: • greater resistance of employees (the employees main- tain and improve their health) • satisfaction of employees • reduction and easier management of negative impacts of stress • reduction of risk factors such as high blood pres- sure, high blood sugar and cholesterol, which lead to a greater prevalence of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes; • less absenteeism • higher quality of products and services • higher reputation of the organization Several activities were carried out as a part of the "Be Healthy" initiative. In the period 2011– 2013, 198 employe- es were included in healthcare programs while 686 partic- ipated inguidedexercise.Of these, 651employeesunderwent medical tests such as examination of the cardiovascular system (cycloergometry), spirometry, ECG, analysis of bodily structure, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, triglyceride and blood sugar levels. In the context of the preventative vaccination program, 518 or 17% of all Lek employees (308 Ljubljana, 95 Menge‰, 28 Prevalje and 87 Lendava) were vaccinated against tick-born meningoencephalitis in 2013, and against seasonal influenza 168 or 5.6% of all Lek employees (72 Ljubljana, 76 Menge‰, 12 Prevalje and 7 Lendava). MOVE – increasing exercise. CHOOSE – choosing healthy food options and appropriate diet for staying in good shape at home as well as at work / lectures on balanced diet. KNOW – knowing the numbers of key health indicators. MANAGE – ongoing support for employees / lectures on stress management. MOVE CHOOSE KNOW MANAGE