Sustainability Report 2013 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2013 – Lek d.d. Environment 34 Graph 5: Volume of hazardous waste per tonne of product – efficiency Lendava Ljubljana Menge‰ Prevalje 2009 20 15 5 10 0 t/t year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2.5.3 Disposal of non-hazardous waste 48 In 2013, the volume of mixed municipal waste was reduced by nearly 5% compared to the year before and by as much as 41% compared to 2010. The reduction was achieved mostly by stricter segregation and sorting. For the same reasons, the volumes of waste packaging collected continue to increase. At the Menge‰ site, the biologically degradable waste gene- rated by the manufacture of fennel and purple coneflower (Echinacea) juices is directed to a nearby biogas plant. Similarly, we direct the mycelium waste generated at the Lendava site, to a certified contractor biogas plant. As a result of redirecting the mycelium waste for treatment to a biogas plant, the structure of non-hazardous waste changed considerably compared to 2011. Municipal waste accounted for a mere 1%, whereas the share of waste pack- aging (paper, plastics, wood, metal, glass) amounted to 9%. Due to mycelium waste, biodegradable industrial waste ac- counted for as much as 88% in 2013 (mycelium waste volume was not reported in 2011 as it was disposed of through incine- ration at the production site, and in 2012 we started directing it to the biogas plant only in the middle of the year, therefore the annual volume was almost half as much than in 2013.). The remaining 2% accounted for other non-hazardous waste. Municipal waste is disposed of, while waste packaging is mainly recycled (through the SLOPAK system), and the same applies to construction waste. Biodegradable waste is used for the manufacture of biogas, and other non-hazardous wastes are disposed of by certified companies by means of incineration. 48 GRI Indicator G4-EN23 2009 t 1,170 1,223 855 320 3,568 2,549 2010 t 1,181 1,322 921 324 3,748 2,483 2011 t 649 1,388 975 362 3,374 1,815 2012 t 11,154 1,637 793 430 14,014 12,194 2013 t 24,110 1,655 815 483 27,063 25,126 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Lek (non- hazardous waste without recyclable packaging)* Table 13: Non-hazardous waste volumes by site (in t)