Sustainability Report 2013 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2013 – Lek d.d. Environment 30 39 GRI Indicator G4-EN6 40 GRI G4-DMA 2009 GJ 147,061 132,126 104,032 24,743 407,962 2010 GJ 154,082 134,083 115,320 23,376 426,861 2011 GJ 155,551 140,221 115,898 24,111 435,781 2012 GJ 167,994 152,638 116,215 24,551 461,398 2013 GJ 189,032 155,394 116,498 25,686 486,610 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Table 7: Electricity consumption 2.3.2 Energy efficiency improvements 39 Lek, a Sandoz company, has been continuously boosting the production of higher-complexity products dictating the use of specific techniques and being of higher energy complexity. They are manufactured in lower quantities and have a higher added value. Our efforts to ensure energy efficiency are a part of our production processes. We are also building our employees' awareness of energy use. In 2013, additional measures were taken to improve energy efficiency: • At the Menge‰ site, several improvements to different energy systems were implemented, which resulted in energy savings of 5,000 GJ. By implementing the sys- tem for exploiting the waste heat from the air compres- sor on the steam boiler we generated savings in natu- ral gas consumption. Several old and energy inefficient cooling systems were replaced and optimization of a cold water preparation was carried out. By installing a water gasifier of nitrogen we eliminated the problem of the accumulation of ice on the nitrogen station, while saving some electrical energy for the preparation of water. Lighting in non-production facilities was replaced with a more energy efficient system. • At the Prevalje site, adsorbers for filtering organic sol- vents from waste process air were replaced with the thermal oxidation (RTO) system. Energy savings of 10,040 GJ are expected to be fully reflected in 2014. We also successfully completed the project of rational use of external lighting, achieving annual energy sav- ings of 200 GJ. • On the office building in Ljubljana, the existing absorp- tion cooling aggregate was replaced by two water- cooled chillers that are more energy efficient and have a considerably lower greenhouse gas emission poten- tial. At the same site, we also renewed the roof on the production facility and improved the energy efficiency thereof. • At the Lendava site, a number of energy projects were implemented. By replacing burning devices on the sta- tionary incinerator furnace, the consumption of natural gas was reduced. By exploiting the waste heat from air compressors and its integration in the distillation pro- cess we reduced the use of steam. Annual savings in the site’s total energy consumption amounted to 9%. The listed projects resulted in energy savings totalling 57,600 GJ, the savings are also reflected in a 3,455 tonnes lower emission of CO 2 into the air. 2.4.1 Water use efficiency 40 In the pharmaceutical industry, water is an indispensable na- tural resource. Efficiency of its use is therefore one of our major concerns. At the Lendava site, water consumption per kg of product was reduced despite the increased producti- on volume in two newly installed fermentors. By installing a system for reusing waste water for the purpose of cooling, the consumption of fresh water dropped considerably in 2013, by nearly 55 m 2 per day. Water consumption per kg of product at the Lendava site: • 2011: 6.8 m 3 of total water consumption/kg of product • 2012: 5.8 m 3 of total water consumption/kg of product • 2013: 5.4 m 3 of total water consumption/kg of product 2.4 Water