Sustainability Report 2013 Lek d.d.

29 Environment In 2013, the total consumption of energy was at all sites a mere 2% higher compared to the previous year. The level of consump- tion lags considerably behind the increase recorded in the pro- duction output in Lendava where, through improvements and efficient use of energy, we achieved more than a 7% improve- ment, as evident from the energy efficiency calculation (Table 4). The use of energy at the Prevalje site was higher due to the increase in production capacity; however, in terms of efficient use per tonne of production it remains at the same level as in 2012. For reasons already mentioned (versatility of the sites’ portfolios), making a year-to-year efficiency comparison between the Ljubljana and Menge‰ site difficult. Of the total energy consumed, electricity accounts for 42% which is obtained entirely from the power supply network. In the structure of purchased electricity sources, the largest proportion of energy for production is obtained from the nuclear power station; compared to 2012 the proportion of renewable sources also increased by a good 2%. At the Menge‰ site, waste solvents are used as secondary fuel for the operation of a boiler producing heat and steam for technological purposes. At the Lendava site, the share of renewable energy amounts up to 1%. It is obtained from the incineration of organic waste generated in fermentation production. In 2013, electricity consumption increased by almost 5% over the previous year. Conventional sources 75.93% Coal and lignite 9.32% Natural gas 5.17% Oil derivatives 0.89% Unidentifiable 2.04% Nuclear fuel 58.51% Renewable sources 24.07% Hydropower 17.49% Wind 0.00% Solar energy 1.43% Biomass 0.00% Geothermal energy 0.00% Landfill gas 0.00% Municipal wastewater treatment gas 0.00% Biogas 0.95% Unidentifiable 4.20% Total 100.00% Year 2013 Table 6: Structure of purchased electricity sources Structure of purchased electricity sources Structure of purchased electricity sources 2.04% 1.43% 0.95% 0.89% 17.49% 9.32% 58.51% 4.20% 5.17% Nuclear fuel 58.51% Renewable sources unidentifiable 4.20% Hydropower 17.49% Conventional sources unidentifiable 2.04% Coal 9.32% Solar energy 1.43% Natural gas 5.17% Biogas 0.95% Oil derivatives 0.89%