Sustainability Report 2013 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2013 – Lek d.d. Environment 28 37 EMAS Core Indicator 38 GRI Indicator G4-EN3 2.2.5 Water consumption and energy efficiency Previously mentioned fluctuations resulting from the changes in production volume and structure, are also the major cause of absolute and relative variations in the energy and water con- sumption at individual sites. As the production outputs of a sin- gle product or a small number of products at the Lendava and Prevalje sites are relatively stable, a year-on-year comparison of water and energy use efficiency provides a true picture of trends recorded at these two sites. Major variations in the specific use of water and energy resources recorded at the Ljubljana and Menge‰ sites are due to the versatility of the sites’ portfolios. The manufacture of individual products at the mentioned sites is subject to major market fluctuations. Performance indexes for the Lendava site do not provide a true picture as only the production outputs by the Lendava produc- tion site is included in reporting. The operations of the other unit, the Lendava Packaging Center, however, are not included as they are not considered as production of finished products. The quantitative realization of the Packaging Center is namely not recorded in the uniform Novartis DMS system (Data Manage- ment System) in order to avoid the duplication of quantitative data. In Lendava, products from other Novartis sites around the world are also packaged. These sites report into the DMS sys- tem their quantity realizations, although the packaging is done in Lendava. Due to increased capacity of the Packaging Center, the use of water and electricity also increased in 2013. In 2013 the energy efficiency level was the same as that in the previous year. * Due to the improved method for acquiring data on the realization of various finished pharmaceutical products manufacture and on the mass flows of raw materials at the Ljubljana site, there was a change in the data for previous years. 2009 GJ/t 2,450 174 631 73 315 2010 GJ/t 2,240 213* 720 66 363* 2011 GJ/t 2,004 195* 677 53 315* 2012 GJ/t 1,697 191* 613 56 302* 2013 GJ/t 1,577 197 645 56 303 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana* Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total)* Table 4: Efficiency of energy resource use per unit of product 37 2.2.6 Abandoning the use of hazardous volatile organic compounds By replacing hazardous VOCs with less hazardous sub- stances, Lek has significantly improved the tablet film-coating process. With continuous measures we are reducing the level of environmental pollution with hazardous waste and addi- tionally lowering the VOC emissions into the air. The newmeas- ures are aimed at reducing the level of environment pollution with hazardous waste through elimination of halogenated air emissions to the air At the Prevalje site, the studies for replac- ing the ethanol phase by the water phase in the film-coating process were continued after methylene chloride had been fully replaced with ethanol in 2011. At the Ljubljana site we have successfully completed the project of ethanol-based coating of omeprazolewithwater-based coating. The regulatory approv- al of the change to the technological procedure is expected in 2014.  * In the data reported for 2012 in the Data Management System, an error was identified that was subsequently corrected. 2009 GJ 373,855 347,466 314,520 60,314 1,096,155 2010 GJ 388,834 340,136 355,266 58,551 1,142,787 2011 GJ 391,965 358,339 350,825 60,253 1,161,382 2012 GJ 371,988 381,552 335,652* 57,434 1,146,626* 2013 GJ 382,122 387,740 334,561 62,691 1,167,114 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Table 5: Total consumption of energy 38 2.3.1 Use of energy 2.3 Energy