Sustainability Report 2013 Lek d.d.

Company Profile / Environment Sustainability Report 2013 – Lek d.d. 22 1.5.4 Lek’s commitment to external initiatives and principles 25 As a Sandoz company and as a part of the Novartis Group, Lek is committed to implementing a number of initiatives, including the following: • UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, • ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, • Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, • UN Convention against Corruption, • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, • OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, and • Voluntary commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol. Novartis is a member of the Workplace Wellness Alliance of the World Economic Forum (WEF) ( issues/workplace-wellness-alliance ) . Their orientations were also embraced by Lek, a Sandoz company. At Lek the development and manufacture of medicinal pro- ducts strictly comply with Pharmacopoeia requirements, WHO and OECD standards, requirements of the FDA and the Public Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia (JAZMP), and the Good Laboratory Practice recommendations. The development of medicinal products, APIs and manufacturing procedures is based on precautionary measures such as progressivi- ty, inclusion of independent scientists, as well as open and transparent consideration of strengths and weaknesses. 25 GRI Disclosures G4-14, G4-15, G4-16, G4-56 26 GRI Disclosure G4-14, G4-DMA 2. Environment Health, safety and environment systems Health, safety and environment policy (HSE) All our considerations and operations are aimed at con- tributing to the sustainable development of the company. Priority is given to the following: • The health and safety of our employees and all those affected by our operations, and • Environment protection. We implement Novartis’ and Sandoz’ HSE Policy and Guidelines, and meet the respective health, safety and environmental legislation requirements. Our operations are based on the four pillars of the Novartis Corporate Citi- zenship policy: focus on patients, business management, people and community, and concern for the environment. We are raising public awareness of health and safety at work, without any excessive impact on the environment. To improve HSE efficacy and accountability, we set measurable goals. We make rational use of natural resources and verify and reduce the impacts of our operations on the environment. Lek is a company, open to the public. We actively coope- rate with local communities, responding to their initiatives and seeking common solutions for further improvements. HSE Policy guidelines We implement the HSE system on the basis of clear guide- lines integrated into our operations. Fulfilment of legal requirements and corporate orientations constitutes a platform for our HSE risk management system. We adhere to the ISO 14001 standard, the international OHSAS 18001 occupational safety and health standard, and the Responsible Care Initiative for the chemical industry, coupled with the EMAS Eco-Management Scheme.  Our key guidelines 26 are: • Health, safety and protection of the environment constitute the basic responsibility of all our associ- ates. • We play a proactive role in protecting health, provi- ding safety and protecting the environment. • We regularly check conformity of our operations with the relevant acts, regulations and guidelines. • We raise HSE awareness of our employees and provide them with training opportunities, thereby enabling them a safe working environment and knowledge of risks. • By introducing the best performing and cost-effective technologies available, we strive to become one of the leading environmentally-committed companies. • We strive to make continuous progress in our use of raw materials and energy resources, and in re- duction of environmental impact, which is constantly monitored through regular measurements and data follow-up. • At our production sites, we regularly define, monitor and document HSE risks. • To achieve risk management goals, we propose and implement preventive and corrective measures whenever necessary. We provide our stakeholders with well-balanced infor- mation on our corporate responsibility, which forms a solid basis for dialogue and formation of views and decisions.