Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2012 – Lek d.d. Objectives for 2012 Realization in 2012 * Interim changes in the total target value amounts of individual sites resulted in adjustment of the Lek target to < 147 t. Projects to improve water use Prevalje: Project for the use of wastewater generated during the process of water efficiency. treatment for cooling purposes. Use of fresh water for cooling purposes reduced by 30%. Lendava: Reduced water use as a result of the installation of a cooling system with a passive cooling option (fermentation). Projects to improve Lek: Improving energy efficiency by 13%. energy efficiency. Lendava: - Redirecting mycelium waste from the site incinerator to a biogas plant – annual energy savings. 34,627 GJ and 2,055 t CO 2 , compressed air system optimization before pre-fermentation filters – annual energy savings: 800 GJ and 82 t CO 2 , - Passive cooling on the fermentation cooling system – annual energy savings: 983 GJ in 101 t CO 2 . Menge‰: - Improving energy efficiency of waste heat recovery device in the process of sludge-removing and desalting of steam boilers, - Lamp replacement project. Prevalje: Lighting optimization in non-production facilities. Ljubljana: - Replacing the cooling system of the administration building, - Replacing an air-conditioning unit in the production area by a system of higher energy efficiency. Reducing atmospheric VOC emissions to the air: 143 t. VOC emissions Prevalje: kick-off of the project for replacing adsorbers by an air emission < 147 t*. control device (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer – RTO) of higher performance and improved energy efficiency. Menge‰: Introduction of a new air emission control device (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer – RTO). Ljubljana: Introduction of a new air emission control device (RTO). Lendava: Improvement of the efficiency of treatment of emissions from the neutralization tank by redirecting the source of emissions to a higher-efficiency VOC treatment. Projects to reduce Lendava: Removal of mycelium in a biogas plant (previously incinerated). waste volumes Prevalje: Release of waste ethanol for reuse (previously incinerated). Lek: packaging project. Lost time injury and illness LTIR Indicator amounted to 0.05. rate LTIR 0.15. HSE targets for 2012