Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

49 Labor Annual overview of work-related accidents Men (%) Women (%) 50 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 40 70 80 60 30 74.1 74.1 68.75 75 75 25.9 25.9 31.25 25 25 20 10 0 Percentage Year Graph 13: Classification of work-related incidents (LTIR, TRCR) by gender for Lek 3.3.3 Absenteeism 66 At Lek d.d., the proportion of sickness absence in 2012 was 3.6% (2.9% in men, and 4.5% in women), recording a sli- ght decline. In 2011, it amounted to about 4%. The rate is calculated on the basis of absence hours as follows: the to- tal number of lost working hours due to absenteeism in the period is divided by the organizational unit's total number of working hours in the period. 3.3.4 Absenteeism rate due to work-related injuries for contracting providers We recorded 4 injuries among contracting providers, a level identical to that the year before and lower than the level in 2010 (7 cases). Contracting providers perform construction and maintenan- ce activities. Injuries result from insufficient measures to prevent falling from a height and careless handling of tools. By means of walkthrough inspections, training for contrac- ting providers, and building awareness, we strive to improve their conduct and strengthen their preventive attitude. 3.3.5 Number of work-related fatalities 67 In this group of associates, no accidents resulting in fatalities were recorded. 3.3.6 Rate of occupational disease 68 In the process of detecting occupational illness, we closely cooperate with occupational medicine specialists, both in the field of risk assessment and workplace stress identification. No occupational illness has been identified and confirmed to date. 66 GRI Indicator LA7 67 RC KPI 1 and RC KPI 3, GRI Indicator LA7 68 RC KPI 4, GRI Indicator LA7