Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

45 Labor Concern for employees 3. Labor "It is all about people. Cooperation. Development. Excellence" is the motto of our human resources policy. Its priority task is to design processes, tools and systems in the field of human resource management. Considerable emphasis is placed on talent development, succession planning, compensation of achievements, appropriate organizational development and training. Our HR team continually strives to ensure that all the processes are performed professionally and in accor- dance with applicable standards. The policy supports the ba- sic business orientations, aiming to achieve a high level of in- novation, growth and better productivity in the reporting year. Lek, a Sandoz company, is creating a working environment of business opportunities and personal challenges, charac- terized by creative and dynamic work which offers a unique opportunity of working in international pharmaceutical deve- lopment and research teams. 3.1 Human resources policy 3.2 Employment For the second year in a row, Lek employees had an oppor- tunity of dedicating one week to healthy living and well-be- ing in the company of Petra Majdiã, our Olympic medalist. This year, the Be Healthy Celebration Week, held within the Novartis' global Be Healthy initiative, was complemen- ted with new activities raising employee awareness of the significance of a healthy lifestyle and physical activity. In addition to the relaxing morning workout, cooking was another opportunity to meet Petra. The cooking challenge participants learnt how to prepare tasty dishes from spelt wheat, and found out that the preparation of a dish does not require large amounts of salt. Beside the opportunity to meet the renowned athlete, the employees were taught how to use the defibrilators instal- led at all of the four Lek sites. During the Be Healthy Cele- bration Week, free measurements of key health indicators such as blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels were carried out. The week ended with several hiking trips to the neighboring countryside. Working out and cooking with Petra Majdiã for a healthy life 3.2.1 Total workforce by employment type and employment contract 58 At the end of 2012, the proportion of women in Lek's total workforce was 45%, the level 1% below that in 2011. At year end, 86.8% of Lek employees worked on a permanent full- time basis (91% in 2011). Almost 11% were fixed-term employees (10.9%), whereas in 2011, their share amounted to 9%. 2.3% of employees worked on a part-time basis, the level approximately identical to that in 2011 (2.4%). 3.2.2 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements 59 The Collective Bargaining Agreement covers 99% of total workforce, a level identical to that in the previous years. 58 GRI Indicator LA1 59 GRI Indicator LA4