Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

37 Environment 2008 t 25 52 195 1.7 274 0.057 2009 t 24 70 203 2.7 300 0.086 2010 t 25 58 170 5.5 258 0.057 2011 t 24 36 146* 6.2 212 0.041 2012 t 23 43 71 5.4 142** 0.024 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Efficency (Lek) (t of VOC/t of product) Table 17: Total emissions of volatile organic compounds * The change to the data from the previous report results from the change in the data for omeprazole manufacture reporting. The manufacture of Omeprazol was terminated in December 2011, however, due to our record keeping system, one part of the plan realization was presented in January 2012. When reporting for 2011, we took into account emissions with regard to the realization. In 2012, however, this practice was changed, and emissions data was transferred from January 2012 to December 2011 (5.678 t of nH-VOC). ** The data differs from the data reported in 2011 due to the reconciliation of decimal rounding off. 2.7 Water releases Wastewaters are directed into the public sewage system thro- ugh separate three-channel ducts: manufacturing, cooling and municipal. For industrial wastewaters, all the sites have equalization ponds installed before the release duct, whereas at the Prevalje site, industrial wastewater is also technologi- cally neutralized. Into the cooling sewage system we only release non-con- tact cooling water. Unpolluted water are discharged directly into the water stream whenever possible. Roof precipitation wastewater is discharged into the waters directly or indirectly. In 2012, the Lendava site started the process of obtaining permits and other documents for the planned intervention of redirecting the existing outlet for the discharge of cooling (un- polluted) waters into the Kopica stream to the discharge outlet into the Mura river. Due to high volumes of wastewaters, Lek will not be able to discharge the cooling waters into the Kopica stream after 31 December 2014. Consequently, the discharge outlet relocation is the only solution. As part of this reloca- tion, the discharge of precipitation waters will be separated from that of waste cooling waters. Precipitation waters will still be discharged into the Kopica stream through oil traps. The decision on amending the environmental permit for the said intervention was issued at the beginning of 2013. Reports on the Monitoring of Industrial Wastewaters Dischar- ge for 2012 (Excessive Pollution Levels section) show that no excessive pollution was identified at any of the four sites. 2.7.1 Wastewaters The quantity of wastewaters generated by Lek dropped for the second time in a row. The decline, amounting to sligh- tly over 4%, was mainly due to reduced volumes of waste- waters at the Lendava, Menge‰ and Prevalje sites. At the Lendava site, this reduction is mainly the result of further optimization of water use for the cooling of fermentors, while at Menge‰ it is due to several minor measures taken in the manufacturing process. At the Menge‰ and Lendava sites, waste cooling waters ac- count for more than 80% of the total water quantity. In 2012, their consumption slightly declined, whereas the consumpti- on of industrial water recorded a slight increase. After use, unpolluted waste cooling waters are discharged into the water stream, a procedure for which environmental permits have been obtained. Due to additional closed-loop systems of water use, the quantity of unpolluted industrial water diminished in 2012, whereas the increased production volume resulted in a slightly increased polluted water quan- tity. The total volume of waste industrial waters dropped by slightly more than 4%.