Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

33 Environment 38 GRI Indicator EN22 Prevalje Lek (skupaj) 2008 * Volume of waste released for treatment outside the production site. Graph 4: Volume* of hazardous waste per tonne of product - efficiency Lendava Ljubljana Menge‰ Prevalje Volume of hazardous waste per tonne of product 25 30 2009 2010 2011 2012 20 15 10 5 0 t/t Year 2.5.3 Disposal of non-hazardous waste 38 A more consistent approach to waste segregation and sorting as well as better employee awareness resulted in a 5% de- crease in the volume of mixed municipal waste in 2012. For the same reasons, the volumes of waste packaging collected continue to increase. At the Menge‰ site, the biologically degradable waste genera- ted by the manufacture of fennel and purple coneflower juices was redirected in 2011 from the composting plant to a nearby biogas plant. In 2012, we similarly redirected the mycelium waste generated at the Lendava site for treatment from the site's own incineration plant to a certified contractor biogas plant, thus adhering to the statutory requirement of waste management hierarchy. The exhausted mycelium is a by-pro- duct of fermentation broth filtration. According to the Waste Assessment (Regional Institute of Public Health Kranj, January 2012), it constitutes non-hazardous waste, and is therefore suitable for further treatment in a biogas plant. Changing the treatment method resulted in 10% annual savings in the site’s total energy consumption. Atmospheric CO 2 emissions dropped significantly as well. As a result of redirecting the mycelium waste for treatment to a biogas plant, the structure of non-hazardous waste changed considerably compared to 2011. Municipal waste accounted for a mere 2%, whereas the share of waste packaging (paper, plastics, wood, metal, glass) amounted to 17%. Due to myce- lium waste which was not reported in 2011 as it was disposed of through incineration at the production site, biodegradable industrial waste accounted for 77%, while the remaining 4% is accounted for by other non-hazardous waste. Municipal waste is disposed of, while waste packaging is main- ly recycled (through the SLOPAK system), and the same appli- es to construction waste. Biodegradable waste is used for the manufacture of biogas, and other non-hazardous wastes are disposed of by certified companies by means of incineration. 2008 t 1,449 1,159 917 285 3,810 2,802 2009 t 1,170 1,223 855 320 3,568 2,549 2010 t 1,181 1,322 921 324 3,748 2,483 2011 t 649** 1,388 975 362 3,374** 1,815** 2012 t 11,154** 1,637 793 430 14,014** 12,194** Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total)* Lek (non- hazardous waste without recyclable packaging)* Table 13: Non-hazardous waste volumes by site (in t) * The data for 2008, 2010 and 2011 differs from the data published in the previous report as a result of the adjustment made due to incorrect decimal rounding off. ** Volume of waste released for treatment outside the production site.