Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2012 – Lek d.d. Environment 32 37 GRI Indicator EN22 and RC KPI 5 2.5.2 Disposal of hazardous waste 37 Increasing production outputs and changes in the product range towards technologically more advanced products manufactured in smaller quantities by using specific tech- niques (Menge‰) also result in increased absolute quantities of hazardous waste and quantities per unit of product. We are limiting this growth by implementing environmentally ad- vanced manufacturing solutions and measures to reduce the volume of waste of this type. By improving the manufacturing waste at the Menge‰ site, we lowered the total relative volu- me of hazardous waste by 0.6 t per tonne of product already in 2010. At the Menge‰ site, non-halogenated waste solvents, being extremely pure and having a high calorific potential, account for 85–95% of total hazardous waste. The mixtures of halo- genated waste solvents account for 3–11%. By means of co- -incineration with natural gas, 15– 30% of the annual quan- tity of non-halogenated solvents is removed. The energy obtained is utilized for manufacturing purposes to prepare technical steam. At the Ljubljana site, out-of-date products account for a con- siderable portion of the generated hazardous waste. The inventory management method in place, however, makes it impossible to reduce their volume. Since 2011, we have performed intensive segregation of the waste packaging of hazardous substances (also in case a hazardous substance is only present in traces) which we release for incineration with energy recovery. * Volume of waste released for treatment outside the production site. Graph 3: Volume of waste per tonne of product* – efficiency Lendava Ljubljana Menge‰ Prevalje Volume of waste per tonne of product 50 2008 2009 2011 2010 2012 40 60 30 20 10 0 t/t Year 2008 t 2,214 298 3,557 250 6,319 2009 t 2,173 423 4,380 253 7,229 2010 t 2,619 529 3,987 211 7,346** 2011 t 783* 412 3,416 228 4,839** 2012 t 220* 572 4,111 247 5,150 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Table 12: Hazardous waste volumes (in t) * The data for 2010 and 2011 differs from the data reported in the previous report due to the reconciliation of decimal rounding off. ** Volume of waste released for treatment outside the production site.