Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

29 Environment 30 GRI Indicators EN5 and EN7 At the Menge‰ site, waste solvents are used as secondary fuel for the operation of a boiler producing heat and steam for manufacturing purposes. At the Lendava site, the share of renewable energy amounts to 1 – 2%. It is obtained from incineration of organic waste generated in fermentation pro- duction. In 2012, electricity consumption increased by almost 6% over the year before. 2008 GJ 139,452 131,382 98,389 25,838 395,061 2009 GJ 147,061 132,126 104,032 24,743 407,962 2010 GJ 154,082 134,083 115,320 23,376 426,861 2011 GJ 155,551 140,221 115,898 24,111 435,781 2012 GJ 167,994 152,638 116,215 24,551 461,398 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Table 7: Electricity consumption 2.3.2 Energy efficiency improvements 30 Lek has been boosting the production of higher-complexity products dictating the use of specific techniques and being of higher energy complexity. They are manufactured in lower quantities and have a higher added value. This is the reason why we have further intensified our efforts to ensure energy efficiency which already forms part of our production pro- cesses. We are also building our employees' awareness of energy use. In 2012, several measures were taken to improve energy efficiency: • At the Menge‰ site, several energy projects were under way. By replacing the system for incineration of organic solvents from waste process air, we significantly redu- ced the consumption of natural gas for incineration, as well as solvent vapors in exhaust air. The changes implemented to the cooling system, and in the use of waste heat for removal of sludge from steam boilers increased the energy efficiency of the above devices. • At the Prevalje site, a decrease in water and electricity consumption resulted from the upgrading of the cooling system and of the lighting installation in the non-pro- duction facilities. • At the Ljubljana site, the air-conditioning system in the production facilities was replaced by a system of higher energy efficiency. A new thermal oxidizer for removal of organic solvent vapors from process air was added, and the cooling system in the administration building was replaced by a new one. • At the Lendava site, we reduced the consumption of vapor for the treatment of mycelium currently transpor- ted to the biogas plant for reprocessing. We switched to a solution of higher energy and environmental per- formance. By changing the waste treatment method, we reduced electricity and natural gas consumption, thus achieving 10% annual savings in the site’s total energy consumption. By exploiting the waste heat from the air compressor, we improved the energy efficiency of the steam boiler. • Effective measures to reduce energy consumption indi- rectly resulted in reduced CO 2 emissions at the Lendava and Menge‰ sites which participate in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. Compared to 2011, emissions dimini- shed by a total of 7.5%, i.e. 2,042 tonnes of CO 2 . 2.4.1 Water use efficiency In the pharmaceutical industry, water is an indispensable na- tural resource. Efficiency of its use is therefore one of Lek's major concerns. Water use efficiency was particularly impro- ved at the Lendava and Menge‰ sites, significantly contribu- ting to the overall result. With multiple improvements, we aga- in achieved significant progress, and confirmed the forecasts made in 2011 by reducing water consumption by 7%. The an- ticipation that the downward trend in water consumption can also be maintained in 2012 was fulfilled by achieving a 4% decline in total water consumption. At the Lendava site, water consumption per kg of product was reduced despite the increased production volume in two newly installed fermentors. The trend has been downward both in relative and absolute terms, mainly resulting from the reuse of cooling water for batch feeding water after the sterilization of fermentors. In the new Fermentation 2 facility, higher efficiency was achi- eved through installation of a closed-loop cooling system. For the purpose of cooling the old fermentors, an additio- nal heat exchanger was installed to cool deferrized water. In 2013, new solutions will be implemented, and therefore further improvement can be expected. We are planning to in- troduce a system of reusing water from devices for purified water production, and to upgrade the system of cooling the oil in two-bar compressors. Water consumption per kg of product at the Lendava site: • 2011: 6.79 m 3 of total water consumption / kg of product • 2012: 5.76 m 3 of total water consumption / kg of product 2.4 Water