Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2012 – Lek d.d. Environment 28 * In the data reported for 2011 in the Data Management System, an error was identified that was subsequently corrected. The value indicated in the above table is the correct one, whereas the Sustainability Report 2011 contains the wrong value. 2008 GJ 352,417 319,995 288,974 61,017 1,022,403 2009 GJ 373,855 347,466 314,520 60,314 1,096,155 2010 GJ 388,834 340,136 355,266 58,551 1,142,787 2011 GJ 391,965 358,339* 350,825 60,253 1,161,382* 2012 GJ 371,988 381,552 335,382 57,434 1,146,356 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Table 5: Total consumption of energy 28 2.3.1 Use of energy 2.3 Energy By means of a comprehensive program of improvements main- ly encompassing well thought-out rationalization of production management and planning we achieved a reduction of a little more than 1% in the total consumption of energy at all of our sites compared to the year before. The level of consumption lags behind the increase recorded in the production output, the result being achieved through improvements and efficient use of energy. This outstanding achievement and a favorable ratio between the two results are reflected in the energy efficiency calculation (see Table 2). Measures to improve energy efficiency undertaken in 2011 and 2012 were mainly reflected in the use of natural gas. The real dimensions of the achievement can be understood in the light of the fact that the production volume was increased significan- tly and that a record 1,316 new products were launched. Both factors are usually major contributors to energy consumption. In the total energy consumed, electricity 29 accounts for 40%. It is obtained entirely from the power supply network. In the structure of purchased electricity sources, the share of energy for production obtained from nuclear power increased conside- rably, as we switched to another supplier of electricity. Conventional sources 78.26% Coal and lignite 13.20% Natural gas 6.42% Oil derivatives 1.29% Unidentifiable 4.86% Nuclear fuel 52.49% Renewable sources 21.74% Hydropower 15.81% Wind 2.73% Solar energy 1.60% Biomass 0.00% Geothermal energy 0.00% Landfill gas 0.00% Municipal wastewater treatment gas 0.00% Biogas 1.21% Unidentifiable 0.39% Total 100.00% Year 2012 Table 6: Structure of purchased electricity sources 28 EMAS Core Indicator, RC KPI 19 29 GRI Indicator EN4