Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

25 Environment 26 EMAS Core Indicator Efficiency of the use of various materials per unit of product 26 - by site and total Lendava Ljubljana Menge‰ Prevalje Efficiency of the use of various materials per unit of product 40 50 2008 30 20 10 0 t/t Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 10 8 6 4 2 Lek Total Efficiency of the use of various materials per unit of product – Lek Total 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 0 t/t Year 2.2.4 Sustainable packaging approach The two production sites manufacturing finished dosage forms are the major consumers of packaging material: Lju- bljana with 68%, and Prevalje with 28%. At the Menge‰ and Lendava sites packaging consumption accounts for less than 4% of total packaging consumption of Lek d.d. In accordance with our commitment to waste management hi- erarchy, we defined in 2012 the basic principles of packaging design and production in order to improve packaging susta- inability. • Selection of materials: - Using materials of lower environmental impact (natu- rally light materials, recycling-based materials, re- cyclable materials from renewable sources that con- tain no toxic ingredients), - Using a small number of various materials that have to be recycable. • Packaging shaping and size: - Reducing the total weight of materials (thinner and lighter materials), - Reducing the volume (reduced environmental impact of transport), - Reducing the number of packaging types (including integration of primary and secondary packaging into one, uniform packaging to meet various customer needs). • Ordering packaging materials: - Cooperation with environmentally and socially re- sponsible suppliers, - Using exclusively environmentally certified / recom- mended materials (e.g. non-chlorine bleached pa- per, certified cotton), - Cooperation with local/regional packaging suppliers (lower environmental impact of transport). Results of improvements made in 2012: • By changing the blister size for omeprazole active in- gredient, we reduced its surface by 17%, the shaping foil weight by 20%, and the covering foil weight by 15%. • By optimizing the packaging for pantoprazole active ingredient, we reduced the blister surface by 50%, and the box volume and packaging weight by 20%. The number of packs per pallet was increased by 20% which also results in improved environmental efficien- cy of transport. • By introducing a new wrapping foil, we reduced its consumption. • Plastic strapping was replaced by non-slip paper for covering pallets. • Transport cartons were standardized.