Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

Sustainability Report 2012 – Lek d.d. Environment 24 25 EMAS Core Indicator, GRI Indicator EN1 * Total quantity of materials purchased within the reporting period to ensure smooth progress of manufacturing process to the finished product phase (includ- ing packaging but exclusive of fuels, water and manufacturing equipment). ** The data for 2009, 2010 and 2011 differs from the data published in the previous report due to elimination of decimal rounding-off errors. *** The method of acquiring data on the use of materials was upgraded in 2012, which was also reflected in changed data for the previous years. 2008 t 6,102 9,714 10,642 3,515 29,973 2009 t 6,080 7,232 11,467 3,473 28,252 2010 t 6,456 9,015 14,404 3,513 33,388 2011 t 6,811 8,804 16,898 3,858 36,371 2012 t 7,548 9,861 15,707 3,979 37,095 Year Unit Lendava** Ljubljana*** Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (Total) Table 3: Annual mass flow of various materials used* (in t) 25 2.2.1 Recycling of hazardous and non-hazardous waste Waste reuse and recycling are integral parts of our API pro- duction processes. In 2012, we recycled and reused 89% of the total quantity of organic solvents, an increase of 3 per- centage points over the year before. In Lendava, the leading site in terms of waste reuse in recycling, the percentage of reused organic solvents amounted to as much as 97% (the figure identical to that recorded in 2011). The remaining sol- vents which, according to the pharmaceutical industry cri- teria, fail to achieve a level of purity sufficient for reuse, are collected separately in accordance with their composition and calorific value. Further treatment or disposal is the re- sponsibility of authorized contract providers. At the Menge‰ site, non-halogenated solvent waste having a solvent content higher than 80% and being suitable for co-incineration in a natural gas burning device is used as a secondary fuel for the operation of a device generating heat and vapor for manufacturing purposes. Since adequate combustion conditions are provided, emissions generated in the process are comparable to those resulting from the combustion of environment-friendly energy resources such as natural gas and possibly industrial fuel. In the field of non-hazardous waste, systemic segregation, collection and preparation of waste for recycling are conti- nuously performed. In 2012, biodegradable mycelium waste from the Lendava production process was redirected from the incineration plant to a bio-gas works for reprocessing. 2.2.2 Mass flow of materials Changes in the structure and volume of pharmaceutical pro- duction cause the annual mass flow of materials at the cor- porate level to grow. In 2012, the greatest contributor to this increase was the manufacturing process at the Ljubljana and Lendava sites where the change in the volume and structure of pharmaceuticals and API production was the most nota- ble. On the other hand, the consumption of raw materials at the Mengeš site fell by 7% due to the structure of the API product range. 2.2 Raw materials and natural resources 2.2.3 Efficiency of materials Graphic display of the efficiency of the use of all the raw materials at Lek d.d. reflects intensive efforts to reduce the consumption of raw materials per unit of product. The quan- tity of raw materials used per tonne of API / product started to fall in 2010. In the 2010 – 2012 period, the reduction achieved was as much as a 23%. At the Lendava and Prevalje sites, single-purpose producti- on plants and/or plants with one to two products operate in comparable years. The increasing efficiency of the use of materials is demonstrated in Graph 2. Due to the extensive range of active ingredients and produc- ts, and as a result of changes to the product portfolio, the efficiency of the use of raw materials cannot be seen from the graph. For this purpose, an overview by product would be required since their production output varied significan- tly. Efficiency of the use of raw materials strongly depends on the range of products manufactured at the Menge‰ site. These are integrated into the product only to a minor extent, and are mostly used in the process of finished product ma- nufacture. By upgrading the method for acquiring data on the realizati- on of finished pharmaceutical products at the Ljubljana site, the accuracy of the data on the efficiency of the use of raw materials improved further in 2012.