Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

19 Company Profile of Arts and Sciences, and the media. On the basis of corporate citizenship principles, we endeavor to maintain an open dialo- gue, seeking for most appropriate forms of cooperation. The well-branched network of our stakeholder relations is asso- ciated with their various interests and a wide spectrum of Lek's operations. Our understanding of and dialogue with the stake- holders are based on the following Novartis’ principles: commit- ment to patients, Lek people and local communities, respect of natural environment, and adherence to the ethical principles of corporate governance. The Novartis/Sandoz model of stakeholder relationship mana- gement enables us to play an active role in the life of the society and to upgrade the knowledge of our activity and stakeholders’ expectations. We participate in social discussions where we present our views, being open for other people’s opinions, and improving the company’s performance through strategic adjust- ments of our corporate practice. Stakeholder participation An open dialogue with our key stakeholders forms part of our endeavors to be a respectable and successful healthcare company in Slovenia and abroad. It is maintained through prompt response to the questions received, and by means of a responsive policy and practice of complaint handling. We pay considerable attention to local communities, listen to the initiatives provided by the local population, and, pursuant to the Slovenian laws, implement them in practice. Referring to the anticipated expansion of the production ca- pacities at the Lendava site in 2012, we received from the local population, via the local community and civil initiative, questions about the environmental impacts of the new pro- ject, operation of the new incineration plant, and an unplea- sant odor allegedly spreading from a section of the municipal sewage system in the close vicinity of the Lek site. Answers were provided on an ongoing basis, and the local population was given the opportunity to become familair with our opera- tions on the Open House Day organized on the occasion of the 30 th anniversary of the Lendava site. The Ljubljana site received two noise-related complaints. Despi- te the fact that our noise emission levels had already been below the statutory threshold, silencers were installed in the first case, whereby the noise level was reduced further. In the second case, several additional noise measurements were performed by a certified external provider. The measurements revealed that in none of the cases the noise resulting from our operations excee- ded the statutory limits. We are open and proactive in building our relations with the media which serve as the voice of the public interest. 21 Disclosures GRI 4.9, 4.12 and 4.13 We cooperate with the groups of patients organized in asso- ciations and initiatives, with professional organizations, trai- ning and education institutions, and researchers in the field of chemistry, biology and healthcare. Cooperation with the local community is reflected in our Open House Days organized on a regular basis. In 2012, they were held at the Menge‰ and Lendava sites. The peo- ple interested in the company and its operations are shown round our production plants, presented with production-rela- ted activities, and provided with answers to their questions. Their response to these events has always been favorable. To enable families of Lek employees to get to know the workplaces and jobs of their close family members, we orga- nize Lek Family Days. We also wish to present our emplo- yees the company’s social responsibility reflected in its co- operation with various organizations. Within the first Family Day campaign, we invited Red Nose Clowndoctors, our long-term partners in this campaign. This time we received a visit from the House of Experiments, our sponsoree since 2008. The Family Days were held at all of the Lek Slove- nia-based sites on four consecutive Saturdays in November and December. More than 1,100 employees and their family members took part in the pleasant gatherings organized as part of the campaign. The information about the impacts of our business is published in Sustainability Reports for Lek d.d., available at . 1.5.4 Overview of Lek’s commitment to external initiatives and principles 21 As a Sandoz company and as part of the Novartis Group, Lek is committed to implementing a number of initiatives, including: • UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, • LO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, • Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, • UN Convention against Corruption, • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, • OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, and • voluntary commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol. Furthermore, Novartis is a member of the Workplace Wellness Alliance of the World Economic Forum (WEF) ( ) , Their orientations were also embraced by Lek. At Lek, the development and manufacture of medicinal pro- ducts strictly comply with Pharmacopoeia requirements, WHO and OECD standards, requirements of the FDA and of the Public Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical De- vices of the Republic of Slovenia (JAZMP), and the Good Laboratory Practice recommendations. The development of medicinal products, APIs and manufacturing procedures is based on precautionary measures such as progressivity, inclusion of independent scientists, as well as open and tran- sparent consideration of strengths and weaknesses. A glimpse of the Open House Day at the Menge‰ site.