Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

Company Profile Sustainability Report 2012 – Lek d.d. 12 People and community Community Partnership Day For the eighth year running, Lek employees took part in the Community Partnership Day, the Novartis global volunte- ering initiative. Over 200 volunteers from the sites across Slovenia offered help to individuals and different organiza- tions. Throughout Novartis, more than 25,000 volunteers from 54 countries joined this year's event, a 25% increase over the year before. As is their tradition, employees from the Lek sites in Ljublja- na, Menge‰, Lendava and Prevalje, on this occasion again donated blood. They also paid particular attention was aga- in to children, youth and the elderly. Several educational workshops and excursions were organized for school chil- dren, while the elderly were entertained through a social event, and introduced to the world of computers. Wink at the Sun 2012 – Lek Sunshine Games entertain children in Kranjska Gora To entertain children vacationing in its Villa in Kranjska Gora, Lek once again organized the Sunshine Games held as part of the Wink at the Sun campaign. The Slove- nian Friends of Youth Association and Lek d.d, a Sandoz company, its long-term partner, were co-organizing the Wink at the Sun campaign for the 14 th time in a row. At the national level, this year’s campaign provided free holidays for around 300 children. As the campaign is very strong also at the level of local associations and societies of the Friends of Youth, around 1,000 children in total will enjoy a free holiday with the Friends of Youth at the PanSlovenian level. Concern for the environment Lek, the first Slovenian company to obtain EMAS certification Lek, a Sandoz company, became the first Slovenian phar- maceutical company to join EMAS, the EU Eco-Manage- ment and Audit Scheme. EMAS reporting became part of Lek's Sustainability Report. The combined information about the company's economic, social and all environmen- tal impacts provided in the report contributes to reporting transparency. The EMAS Scheme was implemented at all the four sites of Lek d.d.: Ljubljana, Menge‰, Lendava and Prevalje. A natural science day was organized for the pupils of the Lendava bilingual primary school. For the 14 th time in a row, Lek Sunshine Games brought joy to children during their summer holidays. EMAS registration, performed by the Slovenian Environment Agency, was marked with a special ceremony.