Sustainability Report 2012 Lek d.d.

11 Company Profile The Four Pillars of Novartis Corporate Citizenship Patients Golden Innovation Award for two researchers from Lek On the occasion of the 10 th Innovation Day, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS) made awards to the most innovative companies and best innovators in the year 2011. Among 230 participating innovations, Lek Pharmaceuticals, a Sandoz company, received the highest acknowledgment – the Golden Innovation Award. The award was presented to Dr Ivana Gaziç Smiloviç, expert researcher at the Department of Organic Synthesis, and Dr Zdenko âasar, global Head of API Portfolio Mana- gement at Sandoz, for the development of a new method for the preparation of an active ingredient for the treatment of plasma cell cancer. The innovation is protected by two patent applications for which the most advanced knowled- ge was used. Business management Manager of the Year 2012 Title Awarded to Vojmir Urlep The management board of the Managers Association selected Vojmir Urlep, President of the Board of Manage- ment of Lek, a Sandoz company, as Manager of the Year 2012. According to the opinion of the management board of the Managers Association, Lek d.d. under the leadership of Vojmir Urlep delivers above-average business results, above-average customer and employee satisfaction, and high added value, and plays a leading development role within the Sandoz Group. All this augurs well for the further global development of Lek, Slovenia's oldest pharmaceu- tical company. As an integral part of Novartis and Sandoz, Lek in 2012 again strengthened and developed the Four Pillars of Novartis Corporate Citizenship: According to our percep- tion of corporate citizen- ship, patients come first. We believe that conti- nuous good performan- ce is associated with business ethics. We strive to be an employee- and family- -friendly company, actively involved in the community, and showing great concern for children in distress. We are building emplo- yee awareness about safety and health at work to minimize envi- ronmental impacts. Patients People and community Business manage- ment Concern for the en- vironment The publication of a selected summary in some scientific journals such as Chemistry & Industry and Synfacts confirmed the significance of the achieve- ment in scientific circles. Presentation of the award to Vojmir Urlep at the Managers Association congress.