Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

7 Letter from fhe President of the Board of Management Vojmir Urlep President of the Board of Management The certification represented the final step in a series of initiatives and activities aimed at upgrading the foundations laid in 2007, the year when Lek was one of the first Slovenian companies to receive the basic Family Friendly Enterprise certificate. Our responsibility towards people and the community materialized in the form of numerous campaigns at- tended by many Lek employees. Lek Family Days, the Community Partnership Day, and the campaign of assembling bicycles for a children’s holiday home were just a few. Our business achievements also reflect our implementation of the HSE policy (Health, Safety and Environment) characterized by the fulfillment of legal requirements and corpo- rate orientations, overall concern for the employees, production optimization by improving economic, energy and environmental efficiency and openness to the public. Implementation is monitored through HSE reporting, and through adherence to the international OHSAS 18001 occupational safety and health standard and the Responsible Care Initiative coupled with the EMAS Eco-Management Scheme. We have been systematically reducing our impacts on the natural environment, which re- main within the legal limits. In 2010 alone, EUR 2.2 million were invested in environmental protection. The key environmental measures are carried out within the HSE system for which the 5-year implementation period expired in 2010. The full or partial fulfillment of the set targets is thoroughly reported in the final section of the present Report. Suitable raw materials and considerable quantities of energy and water are essential for pharmaceutical production. We mainly improved water consumption and energy efficiency, thus confirming the success of several years’ implementation of the measures aimed at reducing exploita- tion of natural resources. Our endeavors were recognized at the corporate level as we were honored with the Novartis’ Energy Excellence Award and the Extraordinary Environmental Achievements award. By improving energy use efficiency, we also cut CO 2 emissions. Some of the targets will remain in the focus of our attention and endeavors. Emissions of volatile organic compounds have been significantly reduced; however, we are still working on further reduction. While we have achieved a decrease in waste volume, changes in the products manufac- tured over the years do not always result in a clear picture and data comparability over the years. We strongly believe that the present time, characterized by economic decline and a grow- ing lack of trust in global financial markets, requires above all long-term thinking as well as adherence to sustainable business orientations and business ethics principles. We are convinced that in these highly challenging times, the link between corporate per- formance and legal compliance, continuous trust building and a fair attitude towards the employees, business partners, government institutions and the public is growing stronger than ever. Consequently, our objectives set for the period until 2015 are highly demanding, following our general orientation of constant improvement of process efficiency: we have planned for 10 – 20% improvement in the HSE Key Performance Indicators. This will be achieved through production processes improvement, measures aimed at reducing environmental impact, and through an open relationship with all the key stakeholders. When developing new products intended to preserve and restore health, and when creating added value, we remain true to our one and only basic principle: responsible business.