Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

46 Active Environmental Policy Soil In all the phases of manufacturing processes and projects aimed at expanding production capacity, Lek is active in pre- venting soil pollution. We consistently fulfill the requirements for hazardous substance storage and transport, which are Table 20: Land use by site 62 m 2 m 2 m 2 m 2 m 2 Green surfaces 45,748 104,478 28,780 6,698 185,704 Building surfaces – aerial view 32,145 12,963 38,003 6,658 89,769 Asphalt surface – roads, courtyards 39,023 19,222 43,315 5,171 106,731 Total site surface area with parking lots 126,537 136,663 121,015 18,527 402,742 Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek 62 EMAS Core Indicator Noise In order to prevent any environmental noise pollution, we perform regular monitoring and analyses. None of the meas- urement results indicates any noise overload at any of the four Lek sites, which applies to both day and night shifts. The main identified source of noise is manufacturing activity, par- ticularly the operation of fermentors, compressor stations, as well as ventilation and cooling devices. The noise-emission levels are largely due to the immediate vicinity of busy roads, especially at the Ljubljana site. the major soil pollutants. We regularly check the leak tight- ness of sewage systems, particularly those carrying indus- trial wastewater. No remedial action due to soil pollution has been needed at Lek so far.