Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

44 Active Environmental Policy For the release of wastewater into the sewage system / wa- ter streams, environmental permits have been obtained (see Item 2.2. Compliance with laws and standards) Phosphorus and nitrogen compounds, chemical oxygen demand The annual level of phosphorus and nitrogen compound pollution as well as the level of pollution due to chemical oxygen demand (COD), have been diminishing for several years. The main reason for this trend is the termination of the manufacture of some older products such as cimetidine in 2006. The increasing nitrogen compound emissions and the level of pollution due to chemical oxygen demand in 2009 Graph 14: Total wastewaters (in 000 m 3 ) 2006 2007 2008 2009 0 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 2010 000 m 3 3,000 3,600 3,551 3,410 3,452 3,415 3,035 Table 19: Wastewater volumes by discharge quality and destination, by site 58 Cooling water 2006 in 000 m 3 1,323 86 1,014 12 2,435 (unpolluted) 2007 in 000 m 3 1,303 134 1,195 12 2,644 2008 in 000 m 3 1,310 57 1,186 13 2,566 2009 in 000 m 3 1,125 79 1,381 13 2,598 2010 in 000 m 3 1,260 55 1,408 11 2,734 Discharge into water stream into sewage system into water stream into sewage system cleaning at the WWTP* Industrial water use 2006 in 000 m 3 169 152 377 24 722 (polluted) 2007 in 000 m 3 157 188 379 29 753 2008 in 000 m 3 158 393 284 25 860 2009 in 000 m 3 180 327 267 23 797 2010 in 000 m 3 167 341 271 28 806 Discharge into sewage system into sewage system into sewage system into sewage system into sewage system cleaning at the WWTP* cleaning at the WWTP* cleaning at the WWTP* cleaning at the WWTP* Year Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek Unit 58 EMAS Core Indicator, GRI Indicator EN21 * The blue line indicates the trend between 2006 and 2010 * WWTP - wastewater treatment plant are linked to the launching of production of higher-complex- ity products at the Menge‰ site. Environmental measures implemented in 2010 contributed to a decline in the value of both parameters. Chemical oxygen demand, total phosphorus compounds and total nitrogen compounds in wastewaters also consti- tute taxation parameters. The largest impact, accounting for more than 80%, is associated with chemical oxygen de- mand, whereas phosphorus and nitrogen compounds each represent about 10% of the pollution. Nitrogen compound emissions mostly result from the fer- mentation production, particularly at the Menge‰ site fol- lowed by Lendava and Ljubljana, and, at a negligible level, the Prevalje site. Most of the phosphorus compounds are