Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

43 Active Environmental Policy Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 57 The reduction of emissions of halogenated volatile organic compounds recorded in 2010 was largely due to the new de- vice installed at the Menge‰ site, using state-of-the-art cryo- genic condensation technology for removal of halogenated solvents from exhaust air. The gaseous nitrogen evaporated on the device is reused in the manufacturing process for device inertization. Thermal treatment of non-halogenated solvent emissions with natural gas causes their air emission level to diminish steadily. At the Ljubljana site, the changes in the exploitation of current capacities and the introduction of new production lines resulted in a slight increase in the use of volatile organic solvents (acetone, ethanol ...) emis- sions, which are collected and purified by means of thermal treatment. 57 POR OI9 Water releases Industrial, cooling and municipal wastewaters directly or in- directly resulting from manufacturing processes are directed into the public sewage system through separate three-chan- nel ducts. Unpolluted waters are discharged directly into the water stream whenever possible. Wastewaters Over the past 5 years, the Lendava site has recorded a slightly downward trend of relative wastewater volumes, which corresponds to the diminishing water use. In 2011, no changes in the trend are anticipated. Graph 12: Total emissions of volatile organic compounds 2006 2007 2008 2009 0 100 200 300 400 2010 315 371 273 300 258 t Prevalje Menge‰ Ljubljana Lendava At the Menge‰ site, more than 80% of the total water amount is used for process cooling. Waste cooling waters are dis- charged into the water stream, while the remaining waste- waters resulting from the manufacturing process are directed into the DomÏale municipal wastewater treatment plant to- gether with municipal waters. The amounts of both used and waste waters are directly linked to the manufacture and in- troduction of new products, the reduction of raw material and energy resource costs being a constant goal. This means a reduced water use and, consequently, diminishing amounts of waste industrial waters. Since 2006, the absolute volume of waste industrial process waters has been decreasing, and the intensity of water use per unit has been diminishing as well. Graph 13: Wastewater volumes by site (in 000 m 3 ) 2006 2007 2008 2009 0 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 2010 000 m 3 Prevalje Menge‰ Ljubljana Lendava 3,000 3,600