Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

Index LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT 5 1. LEK, A SANDOZ COMPANY – COMPANY IDENTITY CARD 8 1.1. How we operate 11 1.2. Highlights and milestones of Lek’s operations 2010 12 1.3. Overview of key stakeholders 14 1.4. Overview of Lek’s commitment to external initiatives and principles 15 1.5. Lek production sites and processes 15 1.6. Lek’s responsibility in everyday operations 17 1.7. Economic performance 19 1.8. Labor relations and decent work 19 1.9. Responsibility for products and services 22 2. LEK HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS 23 2.1. Lek HSE policy 24 2.2. Compliance with laws and standards 24 2.3. Human resources and training 24 2.4. HSE research and development 25 2.5. Environmental impact and risk assessment 26 2.6. Risk prevention and mitigation measures 26 2.7. HSE objectives 26 2.8. HSE aspects and system of achievement monitoring 27 2.9. Reporting methodology 27 2.10. Emergency preparedness 28 3. ACTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 29 3.1. Established standards, and awards granted for accountable environment and natural resource management 30 3.2. Environmental protection expenditures 31 3.3. Strategic projects 31 3.4. Reuse of raw materials 31 3.5. Replacing hazardous volatile organic compounds with less hazardous substances 32 3.6. Fire safety 32 3.7. Storage 33 3.8. Distribution 33 3.9. Indirect environmental impacts 33 3.10. Biological safety 33 3.11. Efficiency of water and energy resource use 33 3.12. Measurable indicators 38 4. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND TARGET ACHIEVEMENT 47 4.1. Policy 48 4.2. HSE target achievement in 2010 48 4.3. Objectives for 2011 48 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACCORDING TO GRI G3.1 REPORTING GUIDELINES 49