Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

37 Active Environmental Policy Total quantity of recycled and reused water 41 Mainly reused water is used for cooling processes. This is mostly the case at the Menge‰ site. There is a three-level cooling water system operating in different temperature re- gimes, so that the water from one system can be poured into a higher-temperature system, while one portion of water (spill) is discharged into the sewage system. The quantities of reused water vary greatly and depend on individual proc- esses, so they cannot be accurately calculated on the basis of the existing data capture method. Based on relevant cal- culations, it has been assessed that almost the entire cool- ing water quantity is reused at least twice. Owing to a more efficient water use, the trend of its use at the Lendava location has not changed in the past five years in absolute terms. However, in relative terms, the trend has been falling, mainly resulting from the reuse of cooling water for batch feeding water after the sterilization of fermentors. According to our estimates, this trend will continue in 2011. At the Menge‰ site, water is used mainly for manufacturing purposes. 4-6% is supplied from the public supply network, while the major part is pumped from the well (groundwa- ter). Until 2008, the indicator of efficient water use per unit of product had been falling due to production optimization, improved efficiency and other measures, while in 2009 the trend reversed. This was due to the start of production of higher-added value product (tacrolimus) requiring consider- able water quantities. This trend continued into 2010, when 41 GRI Indicator EN10 - partly 42 EMAS Core Indicator Table 11: Water use efficiency per unit of product and by site 42 2006 m 3 /t 1,383 64 1,048 33 881 2007 m 3 /t 1,203 63 690 45 791 2008 m 3 /t 1,154 125 468 33 739 2009 m 3 /t 1,139 201 536 28 1,115 2010 m 3 /t 956 76 548 31 604 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (total) * The blue line indicates the trend between 2006 and 2010 Graph 7: Efficiency of water use per unit of product - Lek d.d.* 2006 2007 2008 2009 0 300 600 900 1.200 2010 881 791 739 1,115 604 m 3 / t of product water use was slightly higher than the year before. This was a result of greater production volume and, to a lesser extent, of water mains leakage which, however, has been success- fully remedied. At the Ljubljana site, the trend towards increasing energy use efficiency is also reflected in increased water use efficiency. There are considerable fluctuations on the year-to-year lev- el; nevertheless, a higher deviation observed in 2009 (the same as in case of energy use) is a result of prompt adjust- ments to market requirements by the production of several different products in small-scale batches. In order to provide production cleanliness with respect to smaller batches, the said adjustments also required higher water use. The environmental indicator trend for Lek water use in 2010 proves the efficacy of the measures taken in the water man- agement area.