Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

35 Active Environmental Policy At the Menge‰ site, waste solvents are used as secondary fuel for the operation of a device producing heat and steam for manufacturing purposes. We have obtained an environ- mental protection permit for its operation. At the Lendava site there is a fixed share of renewable en- ergy amounting to 2-3%; it is obtained from incineration of organic waste generated in fermentation production. Owing to an increase in production volume at the Lendava site, the use of energy in the past five years has been slightly increasing in absolute terms. However, a higher production profitability and more efficient energy use in relative terms caused the energy use trend to decrease. The measures contributing to this situation in 2010 include the use of waste heat for pre-heating of batch feeding water and closing of cooling cycles. At the Menge‰ site, around 2/3 of total energy use is ac- counted for by natural gas and 1/3 by electricity. Natural gas is used by steam boilers for the production of industrial steam and purified water, and for the heating of premises in winter time. 5-10% of the energy used for steam production is obtained also by waste solvent incineration. Electricity use has increased, mainly due to newly built facilities (production plant, laboratories) requiring more specific HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning) conditions (GMP requirements) and, consequently, more electricity for their fulfillment. At the Prevalje site, many years of systematic implemen- tation of measures aimed at reducing usage resulted in improved efficiency of electricity use. With approximately identical or slightly lower use of energy resources, a larger amount of products is produced every year. Due to the small size of the site, the use of energy and gas is largely influ- enced by differences in the production volume, whereas ex- ternal air temperatures influence the use of electricity, due to the operation of cooling towers. In 2010, the use of electricity was lower also because of a different accounting method. At certain sites, the production of higher-complexity products is growing in line with the respective site’s strategy. For such production, specific techniques are used, and the products are lesser in quantity but have a higher added value (MMF, 37 GRI Indicator EN5 S-OMP, ATV‚ ...). As these products are more demanding in terms of energy use, the requirement for energy efficiency will be increasingly important in the years to come. At the Ljubljana site too, an upward trend of energy efficiency can be observed, even though the relevant data vary a lot. A more significant deviation was recorded in 2009, when the need for prompt adjustments to market requirements due to the economic crisis dictated production of multiple different products in smaller-scale batches. Given the specific nature of pharmaceutical production, this also resulted in slightly higher use of raw materials and energy resources per unit of product. Energy savings resulting from improved energy efficiency 37 The employees were kept up to date with the methods and possibilities for energy resource economy, while providing their own respective initiatives. Furthermore, measurable savings were made through efficient energy use in manu- facturing processes and distribution systems of secondary energy resources. The measures aimed at achieving effi- cient energy use also caused CO 2 emissions to decrease as follows: • by 512 t of CO 2 / l due to optimization of cooling tower operation at Lek Ljubljana, • by 329 t of CO 2 / l due to optimization of compressed air production at Lek Lendava, • by 612 t of CO 2 / l due to optimization of an air han- dling unit at Lek Ljubljana, • by 204 t of CO 2 / l due to optimization of an air han- dling unit at Lek Menge‰, • by 300 t of CO 2 / l due to minor maintenance works on compressed air branching at Lek as a whole. In 2010, the energy resource use was higher due to in- creased production outputs at all of Lek sites, i.e. by 4.2%. Specific use of energy per unit of product, being defined in different ways depending on the production type at a specific site, was lower by an average of 2%. Graph 5: Downward trend of specific energy use – example of potassium clavulanate in Lendava 2002 2003 2004 2005 0 1 2 3 4 2006 4.31 3.34 2.29 2.90 2.68 GJ / kg CA 5 2007 2008 2009 2010 2.31 2.35 2.26 2.07