Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

34 Active Environmental Policy sites with versatile portfolios (Ljubljana, Menge‰), where the production of individual products is subject to major market fluctuations, major variations are observed also in the spe- cific use of water and energy resources. The absolute and 34 EMAS Core Indicator, POR OI19 35 GRI Indicator EN4 36 EMAS Core Indicator Table 7: Use of energy 34 2006 GJ 348,476 251,715 291,665 60,605 952,460 2007 GJ 347,971 295,720 291,825 59,872 995,387 2008 GJ 352,418 319,995 288,974 61,017 1,022,403 2009 GJ 384,367 347,466 314,520 60,314 1,106,667 2010 GJ 399,679 340,136 355,266 58,551 1,153,633 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (total) Energy Total use of energy Table 8: Efficiency of energy resource use per unit of product by site 36 2006 GJ/t 2,848 106 811 82 266 2007 GJ/t 2,658 99 531 95 232 2008 GJ/t 2,573 102 476 80 221 2009 GJ/t 2,427 196 631 73 363 2010 GJ/t 2,199 67 720 66 197 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek (total) Indirect use of energy from primary sources 35 The increase in energy use resulting from a higher production output was compensated by electricity savings; consequently, the total increase trend is insignificant. The highest growth in use was recorded in natural gas (+ 8%), since the Menge‰ and Lendava sites using natural gas mainly in the production of process steam increased their production outputs by 10%. * The blue line indicates the trend between 2006 and 2010 Graph 4: Efficiency of energy use per unit of product at the level of Lek d.d.* 2006 2007 2008 2009 0 100 200 300 400 2010 266 232 221 363 197 GJ / t of product relative use of energy and water by site fluctuates mostly as a result of the changes in production volumes. Lek does not have its own electricity production. In the structure of purchased electricity, the ratio of conventional to renewable resources is 3 to 2. Renewable sources of electricity account for 40%, hydropower being in the leading position with 38% of total use. Of the conventional resources, coal and lignite rank first, with a 47% share in the total structure of purchased electricity resources.